The main purpose of this group is to add DATE-STAMPING to LU style libraries. LSETDATE sets them, LDIR shows them. These were the first programs to do this, and they set the date-stamp standard (now in heavy use under MSDOS), and have been maintained. LDIR, LSETDATE, LTYPE give help when run without parameters. LDIR is also interactive in this case. LDIRBBS is especially linked for BBS use, eliminating i/o redirection, thus preventing a remote user from writing to disk. For help in running .PCD programs enter: A>runpcd << with no parameters. pcdhelp.pcd on line >> RUNPCD executes all .PCD programs. It will find them either on line or in PCDS.LBR, on either the default or A: drives. "RUNPCD [1]" displays version no. (with PCDHELP.PCD on line). .PCD programs execute identically to .COM versions, but are much smaller, and run more slowly. For instructions on connecting your system timers, see PROFILER.LBR. This will allow automatic date setting. Applies to both .COM programs and RUNPCD.COM. If a read from port 0ffh bothers your system patch location 017dh to a safe port number. This applies to all programs, but the read is only executed (at present) by RUNPCD, when it tries to find a front panel sense switch. The port is never written to.