/* DESKBIND.H 12/13/84-06/09/85 Lee Lorenzen */ /* for 3.0 4/9/86 - 5/5/86 MDF */ /* leftovers from old deskdefn.h */ /* * Copyright 1999, Caldera Thin Clients, Inc. * This software is licenced under the GNU Public License. * Please see LICENSE.TXT for further information. * */ #if MULTIAPP #define NUM_ADTREES 16 #endif #define THESCREEN 0 #define THEBAR 1 #define THEACTIVE 2 #define THEMENUS 7 /* Desk Menu */ #define L1ITEM 10 #define DSK1ITEM 11 #define DSK2ITEM 12 #define DSK3ITEM 13 #define DSK4ITEM 14 #define DSK5ITEM 15 #define DSK6ITEM 16 #define FROOT 0 #define FSTITLE 1 #define FDIRECTORY 2 #define FSELECTION 3 #define FCLSBOX 4 #define FTITLE 5 #define FILEBOX 6 #define F1NAME 7 #define F2NAME 8 #define F3NAME 9 #define F4NAME 10 #define F5NAME 11 #define F6NAME 12 #define F7NAME 13 #define F8NAME 14 #define F9NAME 15 #define SCRLBAR 16 #define FUPAROW 17 #define FDNAROW 18 #define FSVSLID 19 #define FSVELEV 20 #define OK 21 #define CANCEL 22 #ifndef ARROW #define ARROW 0x0 #endif #define HRGLASS 0x2 typedef struct moblk { WORD m_out; WORD m_x; WORD m_y; WORD m_w; WORD m_h; } MOBLK ; #if MULTIAPP #define DESKPID 0 #define GEMPID 1 #endif #define MAX_OBS 60 #define MAX_LEVEL 8 #define GLOBES struct glnode GLOBES { /*GLOBAL*/ FNODE g_flist[NUM_FNODES]; /*GLOBAL*/ FNODE *g_favail; /*GLOBAL*/ PNODE g_plist[NUM_PNODES]; /*GLOBAL*/ PNODE *g_pavail; /*GLOBAL*/ PNODE *g_phead; /*GLOBAL*/ BYTE g_wspec[67]; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG a_wspec; /*GLOBAL*/ BYTE g_wdta[128]; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG a_wdta; /*GLOBAL*/ WNODE g_wlist[NUM_WNODES]; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_wcnt; /* BugFix */ /* this has been moved into gl_icons[NUM_WOBS] & declared in DESKGLOB.C */ /*GLOBAL*/ /* ICONBLK g_icons[NUM_WOBS];*/ /* */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_index[NUM_WOBS]; /*GLOBAL*/ USERBLK g_udefs[NUM_WOBS]; /* view related parms */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_num; /* number of points */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD *g_pxy; /* outline pts to drag */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_iview; /* current view type */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_iwext; /* w,h of extent of a */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_ihext; /* single iten */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_iwint; /* w,h of interval */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_ihint; /* between item */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_iwspc; /* w,h of extent of a */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_ihspc; /* single iten */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_incol; /* # of cols in full */ /* window */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_isort; /* current sort type */ /*GLOBAL*/ BYTE g_srcpth[82]; /*GLOBAL*/ BYTE g_dstpth[82]; /* data xfer buffer and */ /* length for copying */ /*GLOBAL*/ LONG g_xbuf; /*GLOBAL*/ UWORD g_xlen; /* stack of fcb's to use*/ /* for non-recursive */ /* directory tree */ /* traversal */ /*GLOBAL*/ FCB g_fcbstk[MAX_LEVEL]; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG g_nfiles; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG g_ndirs; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG g_size; /*GLOBAL*/ BYTE g_tmppth[82]; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_xyobpts[MAX_OBS * 2]; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_rmsg[8]; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG a_rmsg; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_xdesk; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_ydesk; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_wdesk; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_hdesk; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_xfull; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_yfull; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_wfull; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_hfull; /*GLOBAL*/ BYTE g_cmd[128]; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG a_cmd; /*GLOBAL*/ BYTE g_tail[128]; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG a_tail; /*GLOBAL*/ BYTE g_fcb1[36]; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG a_fcb1; /*GLOBAL*/ BYTE g_fcb2[36]; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG a_fcb2; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG a_alert; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG a_trees[NUM_ADTREES]; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_croot; /* current pseudo root */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_cwin; /* current window # */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_wlastsel; /* window holding last */ /* selection */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_csortitem; /* curr. sort item chked*/ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_ccopypref; /* curr. copy pref. */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_cdelepref; /* curr. delete pref. */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_cdclkpref; /* curr. double click */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_ctimeform; /* curr. time format */ /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_cdateform; /* curr. date format */ /*GLOBAL*/ BYTE g_1text[256]; /*GLOBAL*/ BYTE g_2text[256]; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_icw; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_ich; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_nmicon; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_nmtext; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_xyicon[18]; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_xytext[18]; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_wicon; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_hicon; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_afsize; /*GLOBAL*/ BYTE *g_pbuff; /*GLOBAL*/ ANODE g_alist[NUM_ANODES]; /*GLOBAL*/ ANODE *g_aavail; /*GLOBAL*/ ANODE *g_ahead; /*GLOBAL*/ ICONBLK g_idlist[NUM_IBLKS]; /*GLOBAL*/ ICONBLK g_iblist[NUM_IBLKS]; /*GLOBAL*/ WORD g_ismask[NUM_IBLKS*2]; /*GLOBAL*/ CSAVE g_cnxsave; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG a_datastart; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG a_buffstart; /*GLOBAL*/ LONG a_screen; /*GLOBAL*/ OBJECT g_screen[NUM_SOBS]; /* NUM_SOBS */ };