;************************************************************************ ;* Copyright 1999, Caldera Thin Clients, Inc. * ;* This software is licenced under the GNU Public License. * ;* Please see LICENSE.TXT for further information. * ;* * ;* Historical Copyright * ;* * ;* * ;* * ;* Copyright (c) 1987, Digital Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * ;* The Software Code contained in this listing is proprietary to * ;* Digital Research, Inc., Monterey, California and is covered by U.S. * ;* and other copyright protection. Unauthorized copying, adaptation, * ;* distribution, use or display is prohibited and may be subject to * ;* civil and criminal penalties. Disclosure to others is prohibited. * ;* For the terms and conditions of software code use refer to the * ;* appropriate Digital Research License Agreement. * ;* * ;************************************************************************ include externs.a86 HORZ_OFF equ 2 ; Special effects masks. THICKEN equ 1h LIGHT equ 2h SKEW equ 4h UNDER equ 8h OUTLINE equ 10h SHADOW equ 20h ROTATE equ 0c0h ROT90 equ 040h ROT180 equ 080h ROT270 equ 0c0h ROTODD equ 040h ROTHIGH equ 080h SCALE equ 100h dseg extrn points_out:word ; jn, justified text fix extrn fi_flags:word extrn lt_hoff:byte extrn rt_hoff:byte extrn off_htbl:word extrn CONTRL:word extrn INTIN:word extrn INTOUT:word extrn PTSIN:word extrn FG_BP_1:word extrn NEXT_PAT:word extrn patmsk:word extrn patptr:word extrn SOLID:word extrn DITHER:word extrn DITHRMSK:word extrn X1:word extrn X2:word extrn Y1:word extrn Y2:word extrn SPECIAL:word extrn T_SCLSTS:word extrn MONO_STA:word extrn XACC_DDA:word extrn DDA_INC:word extrn WRT_MODE:word extrn TEXT_BP:word extrn MAP_COL:word extrn LN_MASK:word extrn plane_loop_count:byte if ( num_planes gt 1 ) and ( not segment_access ) extrn plane_port_tbl:byte extrn plane_read_tbl:byte endif extrn WEIGHT:word ;bolding ammount for char extrn L_OFF:word,R_OFF:word ;offsets for italic chars extrn CHAR_DEL:word ;additional width to add extrn DESTX:word,DESTY:word ;destination pixel address extrn ACTDELY:word ;form height after scale extrn CLIP:word ;clipping flag extrn XMN_CLIP:WORD,XMX_CLIP:WORD extrn YMN_CLIP:WORD,YMX_CLIP:WORD extrn FLIP_Y:word extrn width:word extrn rot_case:word extrn PTSOUT:word extrn FIR_CHR:word extrn OFF_TBL:dword extrn FOFF:word extrn FWIDTH:word extrn DELY:word extrn txbuf1:word extrn txbuf2:word extrn buff_ptr:word extrn source_seg:word extrn tempdely:word ;temporary char height storage extrn foffindex:word ;temporary char offset index extrn JUST_DEL_WORD:word extrn JUST_DEL_WORD_REM:word extrn JUST_DEL_CHAR:word extrn JUST_DEL_CHAR_REM:word extrn JUST_DEL_SIGN:word extrn JUST_NEG:word extrn byte_mask_table:byte extrn text_ix:byte ;text color index extrn text_mode:byte ;text write mode extrn font_off:word ;temp storage for font offset extrn port_sel:word just_width dw 0 extrn line_table:word extrn pixel_table:word cseg extrn chk_ade:near, chk_fnt:near, set_fnthdr:near extrn txt_blt_branch_table:word extrn double_table:word extrn txtblt_xor_rr_s:near extrn txtblt_xor_rl_s:near extrn d_gtext:near extrn ACT_SIZ:near extrn RECTFILL:near extrn CONCAT:near extrn next_dest:word extrn next_source:word extrn rot_height:word extrn SPECIAL_CS:word public clr_skew_next_line_0 public clr_skew_next_line_90 public clr_skew_next_line_180 public clr_skew_next_line_270 public clr_skew_next_pixel_0 public clr_skew_next_pixel_90 public clr_skew_next_pixel_180 public clr_skew_next_pixel_270 public text_blit public text_move public clr_skew public dqt_just public d_justif public text_rotate public text_scale public text_grey public text_bold public text_italic ;**************************************************************** ; TEXT_BLIT * ; moves the character from temp form to screen * ; Inputs: * ; ES:DI Pointer to the screen * ; foffindex Source form lines to skip * ; tempdely Char height in pels * ; bl Char buffer form width in bytes * ; si char width in pels * ; ax source x * ; bp dest x * ; Uses: all * ; Returns: none * ;**************************************************************** text_blit: xor bh, bh push ax mov ax, foffindex cmp ax, 0 je text_blit_set_offset mul bx text_blit_set_offset: add ax, buff_ptr ;add in the char buff ptr mov font_off, ax pop ax push bx ;save the source form width ;si = CHAR WIDTH ;bp = destx ;ax = sourcex ;calculate the right mask right mask = dh mov cx, 7 mov bx, bp add bx, si ;right x = DESTX+DELX and bx, cx mov dh, byte_mask_table[bx] ;dh = right mask ;calculate the left mask ;left mask = dl mov bx, bp ;get dest x in bx and bx, cx mov dl, byte_mask_table[bx] not dl ;calculate rotate value ;rotate value = bh 0000drrr d=0 if right 1 if left rrr = count 0 - 7 mov ch, al and ch, cl ;mask off all but 3 lsbits mov bh, bl sub bh, ch ;if destx >= source x jns text_blit_clc_height add bh, 16 ;get the left rotate index ;calculate the vertical loop count ;vertical loop count = cl text_blit_clc_height: mov cx, tempdely or cl, cl ;vertical loop count must be jnz text_blit_clc_ok ;non-zero inc cl ;calculate the middle byte count ;middle byte count = ch text_blit_clc_ok: push ax sub bl, 8 ;left count max = 8-xposn neg bl mov ah, bh xor bh, bh sub si, bx ;delx - leftx jnc text_blit_clc_middle or dl, dh ;if left only then must modify masks mov dh, 0ffh ;the right mask is now none xor ch, ch ;the middle count is 0 jmps text_blit_op_branch text_blit_clc_middle: mov bx, si shr bx, 1 shr bx, 1 shr bx, 1 ;divide out the low order bits mov ch, bl text_blit_op_branch: pop si ;get the source x back shr si, 1 shr si, 1 shr si, 1 add si, font_off ;offset from the top pop bp ;get the char form width mov bl, text_mode mov al, ah ;get the rotate flag and al, 8 shr al, 1 or bl, al xor bh, bh and ah, 11110111b ;mask off the rotate flag shl bx, 1 ;index in by words push ds mov ds, source_seg call txt_blt_branch_table[bx] pop ds ret ;**************************************************************** ; TEXT_MOVE * ; * ; moves the character from font form to temp * ; Inputs: * ; ES:DI Pointer to the char buffer * ; DELY Char height in pels * ; foff font offset * ; fseg font segment * ; bl Char buffer form width in bytes * ; si char width in pels * ; ax source x * ; Uses: * ; all * ; Returns: * ; dx = to next form * ;**************************************************************** text_move: push di ;save the orriginal pointers push si push di ;clear out the char buffer push ax mov ax, bx xor ah, ah mov cx, DELY mul cx mov dx, ax mov cx, ax xor al, al rep stosb ;clear out the temp buffer pop ax pop di push dx push bx ;save the dest form width xor bp, bp ;si = CHAR WIDTH ;calculate the masks , rotate counts ;bp = destx = 0 ;ax = sourcex mov cx, 7 mov bx, si ;right x = DESTX+DELX and bx, cx mov dh, byte_mask_table[bx] ;dh = right mask ;left mask = dl mov bx, bp ;get dest x in bx mov dl, bl ;calculate rotate value ;rotate value = bh 0000drrr d=0 if right 1 if left rrr = count 0 - 7 mov bh, al and bh, cl ;mask off all but 3 lsbits neg bh ;if destx >= source x jns text_move_clc_height add bh, 16 ;get the left rotate index ;calculate the vertical loop count ;vertical loop count = cl text_move_clc_height: mov cx, DELY ;calculate the middle byte count ;middle byte count = ch push ax ;save the source x mov ah, bh sub si, 8 ;delx - (leftx max = 8) jnc text_move_clc_middle or dl, dh ;if it is left only then must modify masks mov dh, 0ffh ;the right mask is now none xor ch, ch ;the middle count is 0 jmps text_move_op_branch text_move_clc_middle: mov bx, si shr bx, 1 shr bx, 1 shr bx, 1 ;divide out the low order bits mov ch, bl text_move_op_branch: pop si ;get the source x back shr si, 1 shr si, 1 shr si, 1 add si, FOFF ;offset from the top mov bp, FWIDTH pop bx ;get the dest form width back push ds mov ds, FOFF + 2 mov al, ah ;get the rotate flag and ah, 11110111b ;mask off the rotate flag mov bh, ah and al, 8 jnz text_move_left text_move_right: push cx push di push bx push dx mov cl, 1 mov ah, bh call txtblt_xor_rr_s pop dx pop bx pop di pop cx mov ax, bx xor ah, ah add di, ax dec cl jnz text_move_right pop ds pop dx pop si pop di ret text_move_left: push cx push di push bx push dx mov cl, 1 mov ah, bh call txtblt_xor_rl_s pop dx pop bx pop di pop cx mov ax, bx xor ah, ah add di, ax dec cl jnz text_move_left pop ds pop dx pop si pop di ret ;**************************************************************** ; TEXT_ITALIC * ; Italicizes the form passed to it * ; Inputs: * ; ES:DI Pointer to the char buffer * ; cx Char height in pels * ; bl Char buffer width in bytes * ; dx Char width in pels * ; Uses: all * ; Returns: none * ;**************************************************************** text_italic: push di push si push es push ds push dx push cx push bx mov si, di mov ax, ds mov bp, es mov es, ax ;es:di pointer at temp buffer mov ds, bp ;ds:si pointer at char buffer mov al, bl xor ah, ah mov bp, dx mov bx, dx and bl, 7 ;get the right x value xor bh, bh mov di, ax mov dx, cx dec dx mul dx ;calculate the bottom of char add si, ax mov ax, di mov di, offset PTSIN ;es:di = pointer to ptsin ds:si = pointer to bottom of char form ;bh = leftx = 00000xxx bl = rightx = 00000xxx ;cx = vert scan count in pels ax = char form width in bytes ;bp = char width in pels text_italic_calc_rot_loop: ;this code is executed every two scan lines push bp ;save the char width in pels push bx ;save the left/ right x push di ;save the dest ptr push cx ;save the vert count push ax ;save the middle byte count push si ;save the source ptr mov cx, ax ;clear out the temp dest mov dx, di xor al, al mov di, offset PTSIN rep stosb mov di, dx xor dl, dl ;calculate the left mask mov cx, bx xor bh, bh mov dh, es:byte_mask_table[bx] ;dh = right mask mov bh, ch ;bh = rotate count = dest leftx mov al, ch sub al, 8 neg al xor ah, ah sub bp, ax ;delx - leftx jnc text_italic_calc_rot_middle or dl, dh ;if it is left only then must modify masks mov dh, 0ffh ;the right mask is now none xor ch, ch ;the next add delta is 0 jmps text_italic_calc_rot_branch text_italic_calc_rot_middle: mov ax, bp shr ax, 1 shr ax, 1 shr ax, 1 ;divide out the low order bits mov ch, al text_italic_calc_rot_branch: mov cl, 1 mov ah, bh push dx call txtblt_xor_rr_s pop dx mov bl, ch ;save the middle byte count pop si ;get the source pointer back mov di, offset PTSIN pop cx push cx push si text_italic_copy_temp_loop: mov al, es:[di] mov [si], al inc di inc si loop text_italic_copy_temp_loop pop si ;get char buff ptr back pop ax ;get the bytes per line back sub si, ax ;move backwards up the char pop bp ;get the vert count back dec bp jnz text_italic_second_scan pop di pop bx pop bp jmps text_italic_done text_italic_second_scan: mov di, offset ptsin ;clear out the ptsin temp buffer mov cx, ax xchg ah, al ;save the bytes / line rep stosb ;clear out the line xchg ah, al pop di push di push bp push ax push si push dx mov ch, bl mov cl, 1 mov ah, bh call txtblt_xor_rr_s pop dx pop si ;get the char buff ptr back pop bx ;get the bytes / line back mov cx, bx mov di, offset PTSIN push si text_italic_second_copy_loop: mov al, es:[di] mov [si], al inc di inc si loop text_italic_second_copy_loop pop si mov ax, bx pop cx ;get the vertical count back pop di ;get the tmp buffer pointer back pop bx ;get the left / right x back pop bp ;get the char width in pels back dec cx jz text_italic_done sub si, ax mov dl, 7 inc bh inc bl ;move the x's one pel right cmp bh, dl ;is bh gt dl jle text_italic_no_inc inc di text_italic_no_inc: and bh, dl and bl, dl jmp text_italic_calc_rot_loop text_italic_done: pop bx pop cx pop dx pop ds pop es pop si pop di ret ;**************************************************************** ; TEXT_BOLD * ; Bolds the form passed to it * ; Inputs: * ; ES:DI Pointer to the char buffer * ; cx Char height * ; bl Char buffer width in bytes * ; Uses: all * ; Returns: bx, cx, dx, ds * ;**************************************************************** text_bold: push di push si push ds push dx push cx push bx mov dx, WEIGHT ;get the bolding ammount mov ax, es mov ds, ax ;source pointer = dest pointer mov si, di text_bold_vert_loop: ;this loop bolds the character cell mov dh, dl ;re initialize the bold counter text_bold_out_scan_loop: ;this loop bolds the scan line mov bp, si clc mov bh, bl ;re initialize the byte counter text_bold_scan_loop: ;this loop bolds by 1 pel the scan line lodsb ;get the orriginal byte mov ah, al rcr ah, 1 pushf or al, ah ;or in the rotated source popf stosb ;update the destination dec bh jnz text_bold_scan_loop dec dh ;have we finished the number of passes on this line jz text_bold_vert_test mov si, bp mov di, bp jmps text_bold_out_scan_loop text_bold_vert_test: loop text_bold_vert_loop pop bx pop cx pop dx pop ds ;get our data seg back pop si pop di ret ;**************************************************************** ; TEXT_GREY * ; Greys the form passed to it * ; Inputs: * ; ES:DI Pointer to the char buffer * ; cx Char height * ; bl Char buffer width in bytes * ; Uses: ax, bx, cx, di, ds * ; Returns: bx, cx, dx * ;**************************************************************** text_grey: push ds push cx push bx push di mov ax, es mov ds, ax mov al, 0aah ;alternately mask by aa then 55 text_grey_vert_loop: ;this loop greys the character cell mov bh, bl ;re initialize the byte counter text_grey_scan_loop: ;this loop greys by 1 pel the scan line and [di], al inc di dec bh jnz text_grey_scan_loop not al ;invert the mask on alternating scans loop text_grey_vert_loop pop di pop bx pop cx pop ds ret ;**************************************************************** ; TEXT_SCALE * ; Scales the form passed to it * ; Inputs: * ; ES:DI Pointer to the char buffer * ; cx Char height * ; bl Char buffer width in bytes * ; si Char width in pels * ; dx Source form size in bytes * ; Uses: ax, bx, cx, di, ds * ; Returns: bl, si * ;**************************************************************** text_scale: test T_SCLSTS, 1 ;is this a scale up jnz text_scale_double_check jmp text_scale_down text_scale_double_check: cmp DDA_INC, 0ffffh ;is this a double jz text_scale_double jmp text_scale_up ;doubles the current character in size text_scale_double: push bp ;save the dest x ;11/6/86 horizontal offset enhancement mov al, lt_hoff mov ah, rt_hoff shl ax, 1 ;double the offsets mov lt_hoff, al mov rt_hoff, ah ; xor bh, bh mov cx, bx mov ax, bx ; ax = temporary: source form width shl si, 1 mov bx, si add bx, CHAR_DEL add bx, 7 shr bx, 1 shr bx, 1 shr bx, 1 mov cx, si add cx, 7 shr cx, 1 shr cx, 1 shr cx, 1 ; cx = character width in bytes mov bp, bx sub bp, cx ; bp = bytes used for effects push bx ;save new form width push si ;save new char width push ds add dx, buff_ptr ;offset into the buffer properly mov buff_ptr, dx push dx ;the new di mov si, di mov di, dx mov dx, ACTDELY mov bx, es mov ds, bx ;get the pointers correct ; ds:si = first temp buffer ; es:di = second temp buffer ; ax = source form width ; cx = character width in bytes (no effects) ; dx = height of dest ; bp = dest (skew + bold) text_scale_double_oloop: push ax ; save source form width push cx push si push di text_scale_double_first_scan: lodsb ; get the source byte mov bl, al xor bh, bh shl bx, 1 mov ax, cs:double_table[bx] ; get the doubled source byte if byte_swap xchg ah, al endif stosb dec cx jcxz text_scale_first_moved xchg ah, al stosb loop text_scale_double_first_scan text_scale_first_moved: mov cx, bp jcxz text_scale_do_second_scan xor al, al rep stosb ; clear out remaining space text_scale_do_second_scan: pop si ; get old destination push ds mov cx, es mov ds, cx ; ds:si -> first scan line of pair mov cx, di sub cx, si rep movsb ; duplicate the line pop ds pop si pop cx pop ax add si, ax ; bump source to next line ; Do another line, if necessary. dec dx dec dx jnz text_scale_double_oloop pop di pop ds pop si pop bx pop bp ret ; ; text_scale_up: add dx, buff_ptr ;offset into the buffer properly mov buff_ptr, dx push dx push dx ;save the the new buffer pointer mov cx, si mov bp, XACC_DDA mov dx, DDA_INC xor ax, ax push bp ;left horizontal offset scale calculation mov cl, lt_hoff ;do we need to scale this? and cl, cl jz text_scale_up_calc_rhoff xor ch, ch text_scale_up_calc_lhoff_loop: add bp, dx jnc text_scale_up_calc_lhoff_noinc inc ax text_scale_up_calc_lhoff_noinc: inc ax loop text_scale_up_calc_lhoff_loop mov lt_hoff, al ;save the new horizontal offset pop bp push bp xor ax, ax ;right horizontal offset scale calculation text_scale_up_calc_rhoff: mov cl, rt_hoff and cl, cl jz text_scale_up_calc_forminit xor ch, ch text_scale_up_calc_rhoff_loop: add bp, dx jnc text_scale_up_calc_rhoff_noinc inc ax text_scale_up_calc_rhoff_noinc: inc ax loop text_scale_up_calc_rhoff_loop mov rt_hoff, al pop bp push bp text_scale_up_calc_forminit: xor ax, ax mov cx, si text_scale_up_calc_form: add bp, dx jnc text_scale_up_calc_form_1 inc ax text_scale_up_calc_form_1: inc ax loop text_scale_up_calc_form mov XACC_DDA,bp ;save the accumulator pop bp ;restore the x_dda_accumulator mov cx, si mov si, di pop di push ax ;save the new char width add ax, CHAR_DEL add ax, 7 ;force it to next byte shr ax, 1 shr ax, 1 shr ax, 1 mov bx, DELY mov bh, bl mov bl, al push bx push ds mov ax, es mov ds, ax mov ax, 32767 ;init the y dda acumulator ;ax = y_dda_acumulator ;bx = bh,bl bh = source vertical count bl = dest form width in bytes ;cx = source horizontal char width in pels ;es:di = dest ;ds:si = source ;dx = dda increment ;bp = x_dda_accumulator text_scale_up_y_loop: push ax push bx push di push cx push bp mov ah, 80h mov bh, ah call text_scale_up_x pop bp pop cx ;get the source bit count back pop di ;get the dest pointer back pop bx pop ax push bx xor bh, bh add ax, dx ;is the next line a double jc text_scale_up_y_double add di, bx ;get to the next dest line jmps text_scale_up_y_test text_scale_up_y_double: push si ;save the old pointer push cx push ax mov cx, bx ;get the dest form width mov si, di add di, bx ;get to the next dest line push di rep movsb ;copy the last line over pop di add di, bx ;move to the next dest line pop ax pop cx pop si text_scale_up_y_test: pop bx dec bh ;is the character done jnz text_scale_up_y_loop text_scale_up_exit: pop ds pop bx pop si pop di ret ;es:di = dest pointer ;ds:si = source pointer ;ah = source bit mask ;bh = dest bit mask ;al = dest accumulator ;bl = source accumulator ;bp = x_dda_accumulator ;dx = x_dda_increment ;cx = source bit count text_scale_up_x: xor al, al mov bl, [si] inc si ;get the source byte text_scale_up_x_loop: test bl, ah ;is the source bit set jz text_scale_up_0 add bp, dx ;increment the x accumulator jnc text_scale_up_1_dontrep or al, bh ror bh, 1 jnc text_scale_up_1_dontrep stosb ;save the byte xor al, al ;clear out the dest accumulator text_scale_up_1_dontrep: or al, bh ror bh, 1 jnc text_scale_up_1_nextsrc stosb xor al, al ;clear out the dest accumulator text_scale_up_1_nextsrc: dec cx jcxz text_scale_up_x_ret ror ah, 1 jnc text_scale_up_1_nextsrc_ok mov bl, [si] inc si text_scale_up_1_nextsrc_ok: jmps text_scale_up_x_loop text_scale_up_0: add bp, dx ;increment the x accumulator jnc text_scale_up_0_dontrep ror bh, 1 jnc text_scale_up_0_dontrep stosb ;save the byte xor al, al ;clear out the dest accumulator text_scale_up_0_dontrep: ror bh, 1 jnc text_scale_up_0_nextsrc stosb xor al, al ;clear out the dest accumulator text_scale_up_0_nextsrc: dec cx jcxz text_scale_up_x_ret ror ah, 1 jnc text_scale_up_0_nextsrc_ok mov bl, [si] inc si text_scale_up_0_nextsrc_ok: jmps text_scale_up_x_loop text_scale_up_x_ret: test bh, 80h ;are we at the first bit jnz text_scale_up_x_ret_ok stosb ;save the last byte text_scale_up_x_ret_ok: xor al, al ;clear out one extra byte stosb ret text_scale_down: add dx, buff_ptr ;offset into the buffer properly mov buff_ptr, dx push dx push dx ;save the the new buffer pointer mov cx, si mov bp, XACC_DDA mov dx, DDA_INC xor ax, ax push bp ;left horizontal offset scale calculation mov cl, lt_hoff ;do we need to scale this? and cl, cl jz text_scale_down_calc_rhoff xor ch, ch text_scale_down_calc_lhoff_loop: add bp, dx jnc text_scale_down_calc_lhoff_noinc inc ax text_scale_down_calc_lhoff_noinc: loop text_scale_down_calc_lhoff_loop mov lt_hoff, al ;save the new horizontal offset pop bp push bp xor ax, ax ;right horizontal offset scale calculation text_scale_down_calc_rhoff: mov cl, rt_hoff and cl, cl jz text_scale_down_calc_forminit xor ch, ch text_scale_down_calc_rhoff_loop: add bp, dx jnc text_scale_down_calc_rhoff_noinc inc ax text_scale_down_calc_rhoff_noinc: loop text_scale_down_calc_rhoff_loop mov rt_hoff, al pop bp push bp text_scale_down_calc_forminit: mov cx, si xor ax, ax text_scale_down_calc_form: add bp, dx jnc text_scale_down_calc_form_1 inc ax text_scale_down_calc_form_1: loop text_scale_down_calc_form mov XACC_DDA, bp pop bp ;restore the x_dda_accumulator mov cx, si mov si, di pop di push ax ;save the new char width add ax, CHAR_DEL add ax, 7 ;force it to next byte shr ax, 1 shr ax, 1 shr ax, 1 jnz text_scale_down_ok inc ax ;must have byte width text_scale_down_ok: mov bx, DELY mov bh, bl mov bl, al push bx push ds mov ax, es mov ds, ax mov ax, 32767 ;init the y dda acumulator ;ax = y_dda_acumulator ;bx = bh,bl bh = source vertical count bl = dest form width in bytes ;cx = source horizontal char width in pels ;es:di = dest ;ds:si = source ;dx = dda increment ;bp = x_dda_accumulator text_scale_down_y_loop: ;clear out the dest line push cx mov cx, bx xor ch, ch push ax push di xor al, al rep stosb pop di pop ax pop cx text_scale_down_no_inc_loop: push ax push bx push di push cx push bp mov ah, 80h mov bh, ah call text_scale_down_x pop bp pop cx ;get the source bit count back pop di ;get the dest pointer back pop bx pop ax push bx xor bh, bh add ax, dx ;is the next line a double jnc text_scale_down_y_next add di, bx pop bx dec bh ;is the character done jnz text_scale_down_y_loop jmps text_scale_down_exit text_scale_down_y_next: pop bx dec bh ;is the character done jnz text_scale_down_no_inc_loop ;we must or in the last line done with the previous line mov si, di xor bh, bh sub di, bx ;set the dest back one line text_scale_down_ynotinc_loop: lodsb ;get a byte or es:[di], al ;or it into the dest inc di dec bl jnz text_scale_down_ynotinc_loop text_scale_down_exit: pop ds pop bx pop si pop di ret ;es:di = dest pointer ;ds:si = source pointer ;ah = source bit mask ;bh = dest bit mask ;al = dest accumulator ;bl = source accumulator ;bp = x_dda_accumulator ;dx = x_dda_increment ;cx = source bit count text_scale_down_x: mov al, es:[di] ;get the dest byte mov bl, [si] inc si ;get the source byte text_scale_down_x_loop: test bl, ah ;is the source bit set jz text_scale_down_0 or al, bh ;set the bit add bp, dx ;increment the x accumulator jnc text_scale_down_1_nextsrc_noinc ror bh, 1 jnc text_scale_down_1_nextsrc stosb ;save the byte mov al, es:[di] ;get the new dest byte text_scale_down_1_nextsrc: dec cx jcxz text_scale_down_x_ret text_scale_down_1_nextsrc_incok: ror ah, 1 jnc text_scale_down_1_nextsrc_ok mov bl, [si] inc si text_scale_down_1_nextsrc_ok: jmps text_scale_down_x_loop text_scale_down_1_nextsrc_noinc: dec cx jnz text_scale_down_1_nextsrc_incok text_scale_1_down_nextsrc_noinc_set: not bh and al, bh ;clear the bit that was set for bolding not bh rol bh,1 ;the last bit if no carry must be set jc text_scale_down_1_nextsrc_noinc_back or al, bh ror bh, 1 jmps text_scale_down_x_ret text_scale_down_1_nextsrc_noinc_back: dec di mov al,es:[di] or al, bh jmps text_scale_down_x_ret text_scale_down_0: add bp, dx ;increment the x accumulator jnc text_scale_down_0_nextsrc_notinc ror bh, 1 jnc text_scale_down_0_nextsrc stosb ;save the byte mov al, es:[di] ;clear out the dest accumulator text_scale_down_0_nextsrc: dec cx jcxz text_scale_down_x_ret text_scale_down_0_nextsrc_notinc_ok: ror ah, 1 jnc text_scale_down_0_nextsrc_ok mov bl, [si] inc si text_scale_down_0_nextsrc_ok: jmps text_scale_down_x_loop text_scale_down_0_nextsrc_notinc: dec cx jnz text_scale_down_0_nextsrc_notinc_ok test al, bh ;was a bit set here? jz text_scale_down_x_ret jmps text_scale_1_down_nextsrc_noinc_set text_scale_down_x_ret: test bh, 80h ;are we at the first bit jnz text_scale_down_x_ret_ok stosb ;save the last byte text_scale_down_x_ret_ok: xor al, al ;clear out one extra byte stosb ret ;**************************************************************** ; TEXT_ROTATE * ; Inputs: * ; bl = character buffer width, in bytes * ; cx = height of the character cell * ; dx = offset to the next character * ; si = character width -- all horizontal effects applied * ; es:di -> temporary character buffer * ;**************************************************************** text_rotate: push bx push dx push si push ds mov dx, si ; dx = cell width in pixels mov rot_height, cx ; The source and destination pointers must be modified. The source will ; be somewhere in the temporary buffer and the destination will be somewhere ; else in the second temporary buffer. Exactly where depends on the rotation ; angle. mov si, di mov di, txbuf2 mov buff_ptr, di ; save for screen output mov ax, SPECIAL mov SPECIAL_CS, ax ; code segment copy mov ax, es mov ds, ax ; ds:si -> temporary buffer ; Text rotated 180 degrees is handled differently from text rotated either ; 90 or 270 degrees. test SPECIAL_CS, ROTODD jnz rotate_odd jmp rotate_180 ; Set up the increment values to the next source line and next destination ; line. rotate_odd: or dx, dx ;if no width, give it jnz rotate_odd_ok ;width inc dx rotate_odd_ok: xor bh, bh mov next_source, bx mov ax, cx add ax, 7 shr ax, 1 shr ax, 1 shr ax, 1 ; al = "width" in bytes mov next_dest, ax test SPECIAL_CS, ROTHIGH ; just checking the high bit jnz rotate_270_pointers ; 90 degrees: the starting source will be the beginning of the ; temporary character buffer and the starting destination will be the ; beginning of the last scan line in the second buffer. neg next_dest mov ah, dl dec ah ; ah = "height" - 1 mul ah add di, ax ; es:di -> 2nd buff last scan jmps rotate_odd_prep_loop ; 270 degrees: the starting source will be the beginning of the last scan ; line in the temporary character buffer and the starting destination will ; be the beginning of the second buffer. rotate_270_pointers: neg next_source ; scan up from source bottom mov ax, cx dec ax ; al = height - 1 mul bl add si, ax ; ds:si -> buffer last scan rotate_odd_prep_loop: mov cx, dx ; cx = width in pixels if byte_swap mov dx, 8000h ; dx = source mask else mov dx, 0080h ; dx = source mask endif ; Top of the outer 90/270 degree rotation loop. rotate_odd_outer_loop_top: xor bx, bx ; start clean push cx ; save width in pixels mov cx, rot_height push si ; save source pointer push di ; save destination pointer mov bp, 8000h ; bp = destination mask ; Top of the inner 90/270 degree rotation loop. rotate_odd_inner_loop_top: test [si], dx ; is the pixel set? jz rotate_odd_not_set or bx, bp ; set corresponding pixel rotate_odd_not_set: ror bp, 1 ; rotate destination mask jc rotate_odd_next_dest rotate_odd_next_source: dec cx jz rotate_odd_inner_loop_done add si, next_source ; bump to next line jmps rotate_odd_inner_loop_top rotate_odd_next_dest: if not byte_swap xchg bh, bl endif mov es:[di], bx ; save it off add di, 2 xor bx, bx ; start clean cmp cx, 1 ! je rotate_odd_save_done ; jn 11-12-87 jmps rotate_odd_next_source rotate_odd_inner_loop_done: test next_dest, 1 ; odd or even form width? jz rotate_odd_save_word mov es:[di], bh ; save a byte only jmps rotate_odd_save_done rotate_odd_save_word: if not byte_swap xchg bh, bl endif mov es:[di], bx ; save the entire word rotate_odd_save_done: pop di add di, next_dest ; bump to next destination pop si ; restore source if not byte_swap xchg dh, dl endif ror dx, 1 ; next source pixel column if not byte_swap xchg dh, dl endif jnc rotate_odd_outer_loop_done add si, 2 ; next source byte column rotate_odd_outer_loop_done: pop cx loop rotate_odd_outer_loop_top jmps rotate_done ; 180 degrees: the starting source will be the beginning of the temporary ; character buffer and the starting destination will be the last used byte ; in the second temporary buffer. rotate_180: mov al, bl ; width in bytes mul cl ; width * height (bytes) add di, ax dec di ; es:di -> 2nd buff last byte mov cl, dl ; cell width in pixels and cl, 7 ; what's in the leftover byte? mov ch, 80h rol ch, cl ; ch = destination rotate mask mov bx, ax ; bx = number of bytes to do lodsb ; prime with the first byte mov cl, 1h ; cl = source rotate mask xor ah, ah ; start clean ; Top of the 180 degree byte processing loop. rotate_180_loop_top: rol al, 1 ; get high bit into carry rcr ah, 1 ; store the bit rol cl, 1 ; count the source bit jnc rotate_180_rotate_dest lodsb ; get the next byte rotate_180_rotate_dest: ror ch, 1 ; count the destination jnc rotate_180_loop_top mov es:[di], ah ; store the flipped byte xor ah, ah ; start clean dec di dec bx ; another one bites the dust jnz rotate_180_loop_top ; Restore input registers. rotate_done: pop ds pop si pop dx pop bx ; Swap height and width information in the input registers if the rotation ; is either 90 or 270 degrees. test SPECIAL, ROTODD jz end_text_rotate mov tempdely, si ; update "height" of the cell mov si, rot_height ; si = "width" in pixels mov bx, si add bl, 7 shr bl, 1 shr bl, 1 shr bl, 1 ; bl = "width" in bytes end_text_rotate: ret W_0 equ word ptr 0 W_1 equ word ptr 2 W_2 equ word ptr 4 W_3 equ word ptr 6 ;******************************************* ;d_justif ; justified text entry point ; Entry ;******************************************** d_justif: call chk_fnt or intin, 1 ; jn 11-21-87, force interword spacing call d_justif_calc and ax, ax jz d_justif_nodraw jmp d_gtext ;branch to the text routine d_justif_nodraw: ret ;******************************************* ;d_justif_calc ; justified text entry point ; ; Entry ;******************************************** ; d_justif_calc: push bp or intin, 1 ; jn 12-29-87, force interword spacing for query also xor bp, bp ;init the width counter mov dx, bp ;init the spaces counter mov CONTRL + 4, dx ;set the intout to 0; mov cx, CONTRL + 6 ;get the intin count dec cx dec cx ;are there any chars? mov CONTRL+6, cx ;put back the correct width jnz d_justif_calc_ok xor ax, ax pop bp ret d_justif_calc_ok: mov si, offset INTIN + 4 ;point at the string push ax ; jn 10-27-87 mov ax, [si] call set_fnthdr mov [si], ax ; jn 11-21-87 pop ax les di, OFF_TBL ;point at the offset table mov bx, di xor ch, ch ;clear out the space counter mov dx, FIR_CHR mov ax, INTIN and ax, 0fffeh ;turn off the low bit if on cmp ax, 8000h ;is this a width inquire only jnz d_justif_calc_width_loop jmp d_justif_calc_inq d_justif_calc_width_loop: push ax ; jn 10-27-87 mov ax, [si] call set_fnthdr mov [si], ax ; jn 11-21-87 pop ax les di, OFF_TBL ;point at the offset table mov bx, di mov dx, FIR_CHR lodsw ;get the char cmp al, 20h ;is this a space char? jnz d_justif_calc_width_notspace inc ch ;found a space d_justif_calc_width_notspace: sub ax, dx ;index into offset table shl ax, 1 ;x values stored as words mov di, bx add di, ax add bp, es:W_1[di] sub bp, es:[di] ;11/6/86 DH ;added to horizontal offset calculation test fi_flags, HORZ_OFF ;must we account for hor off? jz d_justif_calc_width_nohorz mov di, off_htbl ;get the horizontal table ptr add di, ax ;index into the table xor ah, ah mov al, es:[di] sub bp, ax inc di mov al, es:[di] sub bp, ax ;subtract away the hor offsets d_justif_calc_width_nohorz: ; dec cl jnz d_justif_calc_width_loop mov ax, 20h ;get the width of a space char push ax ; jn 10-28-87 call set_fnthdr pop ax mov dx, FIR_CHR les bx, OFF_TBL sub ax, dx shl ax, 1 add bx, ax mov di, es:W_1[bx] sub di, es:[bx] ;11/6/86 DH ;added to horizontal offset calculation test fi_flags, HORZ_OFF ;must we account for hor off? jz d_justif_calc_spc_nohorz mov bl, 20h sub bl, dl xor bh, bh shl bx, 1 add bx, off_htbl ;get the horizontal table ptr mov ax, es:[bx] xor bh, bh mov bl, al sub di, bx mov bl, ah sub di, bx d_justif_calc_spc_nohorz: ; ;width of string with no attributes ;width = bp ;space width = di ;space count = ch ; test SPECIAL, SCALE ;is this doubled jz d_justif_calc_width_nodouble cmp DDA_INC, 0ffffh jnz d_justif_calc_width_scale shl bp, 1 ;this is doubled so 2*width shl di, 1 jmps d_justif_calc_width_nodouble d_justif_calc_width_scale: push cx ;save the space count push di push bp call ACT_SIZ pop bp mov bp, ax pop di pop cx d_justif_calc_width_nodouble: test SPECIAL, THICKEN jz d_justif_calc_width_nothicken mov ax, CONTRL+6 mov dx, WEIGHT mul dx ;ax = the additional thicken add bp, ax d_justif_calc_width_nothicken: ; mov width, bp ; cmp CONTRL, 11 ;is this the justified command ; jz d_justif_calc_calc_intword ; mov ax, bp ; pop bp ; ret ;return with the width in ax d_justif_calc_calc_intword: mov ax, PTSIN+4 ;get the width of string desired xor si, si test SPECIAL, ROTODD jz d_justif_calc_norot mov bx, xsize ;if 90/270 scale width mul bx mov bx, ysize div bx shl dx, 1 cmp dx, bx jl d_justif_calc_norot inc ax d_justif_calc_norot: mov width, ax mov bx, 1 sub ax, bp ;get the delta to the width js d_justif_calc_calc_intword_neg ;****** ;This is where max space and min space can be set by application ;****** mov di, 1000 ;for now make max very large jmps d_justif_calc_calc_intword_pos d_justif_calc_calc_intword_neg: neg bx neg ax inc si ;set the negative flag ;****** ;This is where max space and min space can be set by application ;****** shr di, 1 ;set min space = 1/2 d_justif_calc_calc_intword_pos: mov JUST_NEG, si mov JUST_DEL_SIGN, bx xor dx, dx mov cl, ch xor ch, ch xor bx, bx mov JUST_DEL_WORD, bx mov JUST_DEL_WORD_REM, bx mov JUST_DEL_CHAR, bx mov JUST_DEL_CHAR_REM, bx test INTIN, 0ffffh ;is inter word justify allowed jz d_justif_calc_calc_intchar and cl, cl ;are there any spaces in string jz d_justif_calc_calc_intchar mov bx, ax ;save the width div cx ;get the pels per space and remainder of pels per space cmp ax, di jle d_justif_calc_calc_intword_done mov ax, bx ;set the extra space = max mov JUST_DEL_WORD, di jmps d_justif_calc_calc_intchar d_justif_calc_calc_intword_done: mov JUST_DEL_WORD, ax mov JUST_DEL_WORD_REM, dx jmps d_justif_calc_calc_exit d_justif_calc_calc_intchar: ;inter character only is allowed ;width = ax ;dir = si ;numspaces = cx ;max space = di test INTIN+2, 0ffffh ;is inter char allowed? jz d_justif_calc_calc_exit xchg ax, di mul cx ;get the space taken up by words sub di, ax d_justif_calc_calc_intchar_rem: mov ax, di mov bx, CONTRL+6 div bx ;get the additional char space mov JUST_DEL_CHAR, ax mov JUST_DEL_CHAR_REM, dx d_justif_calc_calc_exit: mov ax, bp ;return the width and si, si jz d_justif_calc_calc_exit_pos neg JUST_DEL_CHAR neg JUST_DEL_WORD d_justif_calc_calc_exit_pos: pop bp ret ; ;returns the width of each character in the string in dev coords ;after having justified the string d_justif_calc_inq: mov ah, dl ;ah = the first char value mov dx, offset INTOUT ;point at the intout array mov just_width, 0 ;init the width to 0 d_justif_calc_inq_loop: lodsb ;get the char call set_fnthdr ; jn 11-21-87, modify ax inc si ;point at the next char cmp al, 20h ;is this a space char? jnz d_justif_calc_inq_notspace inc ch ;found a space d_justif_calc_inq_notspace: sub al, ah ;index into offset table mov bl, al xor bh, bh shl bx, 1 ;x values stored as words add bx, di mov bp, es:W_1[bx] sub bp, es:[bx] ;11/6/86 DH ;added to horizontal offset calculation test fi_flags, HORZ_OFF ;must we account for hor off? jz d_justif_calc_inq_nohorz mov bl, al xor bh, bh shl bx, 1 add bx, off_htbl ;get the horizontal table ptr push ax mov ax, es:[bx] xor bh, bh mov bl, al sub bp, bx mov bl, ah sub bp, bx pop ax d_justif_calc_inq_nohorz: ; add just_width, bp ;add in this width mov bx, dx mov [bx], bp inc dx inc dx ;point to next word int intout dec cl jnz d_justif_calc_inq_loop mov bx, 20h ;get the width of a space char sub bl, ah shl bx, 1 add bx, di mov di, es:W_1[bx] sub di, es:[bx] ;11/6/86 DH ;added to horizontal offset calculation test fi_flags, HORZ_OFF ;must we account for hor off? jz d_justif_calc_spcinq_nohorz mov bl, 20h sub bl, ah xor bh, bh shl bx, 1 add bx, off_htbl ;get the horizontal table ptr mov ax, es:[bx] xor bh, bh mov bl, al sub di, bx mov bl, ah sub di, bx d_justif_calc_spcinq_nohorz: ; mov bp, just_width ;width of string with no attributes ;width = bp ;space width = di ;space count = ch ; test SPECIAL, SCALE ;is this doubled jnz d_justif_calc_inq_double jmp d_justif_calc_inq_nodouble d_justif_calc_inq_double: cmp DDA_INC, 0ffffh jnz d_justif_calc_inq_scale shl bp, 1 ;this is doubled so 2*width shl di, 1 mov dx, di mov si, offset INTOUT mov di, si mov ax, ds mov es, ax mov bx, cx mov cx, CONTRL+6 d_justif_calc_inq_double_loop: lodsw shl ax, 1 stosw loop d_justif_calc_inq_double_loop mov di, dx mov cx, bx jmps d_justif_calc_inq_nodouble d_justif_calc_inq_scale: push cx ;save the space count push di push bp call ACT_SIZ pop bp mov bp, ax pop di pop cx test T_SCLSTS, 1 ;is this a scale up jnz d_justif_calc_inq_scale_up d_justif_calc_inq_scale_down: push di push cx push bp mov si, offset INTOUT mov di, si mov ax, ds mov es, ax mov bx, CONTRL+6 mov bp, 32767 ;init the accumulator to 1/2 mov dx, DDA_INC d_justif_calc_inq_scale_down_loop: lodsw mov cx, ax xor ax, ax d_justif_calc_inq_scale_down_calc_form: add bp, dx jnc d_justif_calc_inq_scale_down_calc_form_1 inc ax d_justif_calc_inq_scale_down_calc_form_1: loop d_justif_calc_inq_scale_down_calc_form stosw dec bx jnz d_justif_calc_inq_scale_down_loop pop bp pop cx pop di jmps d_justif_calc_inq_nodouble ; d_justif_calc_inq_scale_up: push di push cx push bp mov si, offset INTOUT mov di, si mov ax, ds mov es, ax mov bx, CONTRL+6 mov bp, 32767 ;init the accumulator to 1/2 mov dx, DDA_INC d_justif_calc_inq_scale_up_loop: lodsw mov cx, ax xor ax, ax d_justif_calc_inq_scale_up_calc_form: add bp, dx jnc d_justif_calc_inq_scale_up_form_1 inc ax d_justif_calc_inq_scale_up_form_1: inc ax loop d_justif_calc_inq_scale_up_calc_form stosw dec bx jnz d_justif_calc_inq_scale_up_loop pop bp pop cx pop di d_justif_calc_inq_nodouble: test SPECIAL, THICKEN jz d_justif_calc_inq_nothicken mov ax, CONTRL+6 mov dx, WEIGHT mov bx, dx mul dx ;ax = the additional thicken add bp, ax push cx mov dx, di mov si, offset INTOUT mov di, si mov ax, ds mov es, ax mov cx, CONTRL+6 d_justif_calc_inq_thicken_loop: lodsw add ax, bx ;add in the thicken ammount stosw loop d_justif_calc_inq_thicken_loop pop cx mov di, dx d_justif_calc_inq_nothicken: ; mov width, bp mov ax, PTSIN+4 ;get the width of string desired mov width, ax xor si, si mov bx, 1 sub ax, bp ;get the delta to the width js d_justif_calc_inq_calc_intword_neg ;****** ;This is where max space and min space can be set by application ;****** mov di, 1000 ;for now make max very large jmps d_justif_calc_inq_calc_intword_pos d_justif_calc_inq_calc_intword_neg: neg bx neg ax inc si ;set the negative flag ;****** ;This is where max space and min space can be set by application ;****** shr di, 1 ;set min space = 1/2 d_justif_calc_inq_calc_intword_pos: mov JUST_NEG, si mov JUST_DEL_SIGN, bx xor dx, dx mov cl, ch xor ch, ch xor bx, bx mov JUST_DEL_WORD, bx mov JUST_DEL_WORD_REM, bx mov JUST_DEL_CHAR, bx mov JUST_DEL_CHAR_REM, bx test INTIN, 0001h ;is inter word justify allowed jz d_justif_calc_inq_calc_intchar and cl, cl ;are there any spaces in string jz d_justif_calc_inq_calc_intchar mov bx, ax ;save the width div cx ;get the pels per space and remainder of pels per space cmp ax, di jle d_justif_calc_inq_calc_intword_done mov ax, bx ;set the extra space = max mov JUST_DEL_WORD, di jmps d_justif_calc_inq_calc_intchar d_justif_calc_inq_calc_intword_done: mov JUST_DEL_WORD, ax mov JUST_DEL_WORD_REM, dx jmps d_justif_calc_inq_calc_exit d_justif_calc_inq_calc_intchar: ;inter character only is allowed ;width = ax ;dir = si ;numspaces = cx ;max space = di test INTIN+2, 0001h ;is inter char allowed? jz d_justif_calc_inq_calc_exit xchg ax, di mul cx ;get the space taken up by words sub di, ax d_justif_calc_inq_calc_intchar_rem: mov ax, di mov bx, CONTRL+6 div bx ;get the additional char space mov JUST_DEL_CHAR, ax mov JUST_DEL_CHAR_REM, dx d_justif_calc_inq_calc_exit: and si, si jz d_justif_calc_inq_calc_exit_pos neg JUST_DEL_CHAR neg JUST_DEL_WORD d_justif_calc_inq_calc_exit_pos: mov bx, offset INTIN + 4 mov si, offset INTOUT mov di, si mov ax, ds mov es, ax mov dx, JUST_DEL_WORD mov bp, JUST_DEL_WORD_REM mov cx, JUST_DEL_CHAR or cx, JUST_DEL_CHAR_REM or ch, cl mov ax, CONTRL+6 mov cl, al mov CONTRL+8, ax ;set the intout array size mov cl, al ; jn 11-20-87 mov CONTRL+8, ax ; jn 11-20-87 d_justif_calc_inq_justify_loop: mov al, [bx] inc bx ;get the character inc bx cmp al, 20h ;is it a space? lodsw jnz d_justif_calc_inq_justify_nospace add ax, dx ;add in the word offset and bp, bp ;done with extra space jz d_justif_calc_inq_justify_nospace add ax, JUST_DEL_SIGN dec bp jmps d_justif_calc_inq_justify_done d_justif_calc_inq_justify_nospace: and ch, ch jz d_justif_calc_inq_justify_done add ax, JUST_DEL_CHAR cmp JUST_DEL_CHAR_REM, 0 jz d_justif_calc_inq_justify_done add ax, JUST_DEL_SIGN dec JUST_DEL_CHAR_REM d_justif_calc_inq_justify_done: stosw dec cl jnz d_justif_calc_inq_justify_loop d_justif_calc_inq_justify_exit: pop bp mov ax, INTIN+2 ;check to see if we are to draw this and ax, 0fffeh ;mask off the low bit cmp ax, 8000h jz d_justif_calc_inq_nodraw mov ax, width ret d_justif_calc_inq_nodraw: xor ax, ax ;dont draw it ret ;**************************************************************** ; dqt_justified - inquire offsets for justified text * ;**************************************************************** dqt_just: push bp call d_justif_calc ;set up data for justified text or ax, ax jnz dqt_justif_work dqt_justif_exit: pop bp ret dqt_justif_work: mov FLIP_Y, 1 ;we return magnitudes mov si, offset CONTRL ;saves code mov cx, 6[si] ;get the intin count mov 4[si], cx ;this is the vertex count push cx ;save for after clear shl cx, 1 ;make a word count mov di, offset PTSIN ;zero out the ptsin array ; mov PTSOUT, di ;we will return PTSIN as PTSOUT mov points_out, di ;^ jn, justified text fix push ds pop es push di xor ax, ax rep stosw pop di ;restore pointer to output array pop cx ;restore character count mov si, offset INTIN+4 ;point at the string xor dx, dx ;width starts at zero mov ax, rot_case ;determine starting address test ax, 1 ;in ptsin array jz dqt_extent_in_x inc di ;start at PTSIN[1] inc di dqt_extent_in_x: or ax, ax ;jump to correct math op jz dqt_add_loop cmp ax, 3 jz dqt_add_loop dqt_sub_loop: call dqt_calc sub dx, bx mov [di], dx add di, 4 loop dqt_sub_loop jmps dqt_justif_exit dqt_add_loop: call dqt_calc add dx, bx mov [di], dx add di, 4 loop dqt_add_loop jmps dqt_justif_exit dqt_calc: lodsw ;get the char push dx ; jn 10-29-87 call set_fnthdr ; jn 11-21-87, modify ax les bp, off_tbl mov dx, fir_chr shl dx, 1 sub bp, dx pop dx mov bx, ax ;index into offset table shl bx, 1 ;x values stored as words add bp, bx mov bx, es:W_1[bp] sub bx, es:[bp] ; jn 1-5-88 ; Horz offset code added ; ; register state: ; ax = character in question ; bx = width of char push ax ; save all regs used push dx push si mov si, off_htbl ; es:si = horz offset table addr mov dx, fir_chr ; dx = ADE of first char in font seg shl dx, 1 shl ax, 1 sub ax, dx ; ax = byte offset chars offset info add si, ax ; si = offset of chars horz off info mov ax, es:[si] ; ah = right offset, al = left offset add al, ah ; al = total offset xor ah, ah ; ax = total offset sub bx, ax ; bx = horz offset compensated width pop si ; restore used regs pop dx pop ax test SPECIAL, SCALE jz dqt_nodouble push ax push cx push dx push bx call ACT_SIZ pop bx mov bx, ax pop dx pop cx pop ax dqt_nodouble: test SPECIAL, THICKEN jz dqt_interword add bx, WEIGHT dqt_interword: cmp al, 20h ;is this a space char? jne dqt_interchar add bx, JUST_DEL_WORD ; yes: add in the word offset cmp JUST_DEL_WORD_REM, 0 ; need to add remainder? je dqt_interchar add bx, JUST_DEL_SIGN ; add in remainder dec JUST_DEL_WORD_REM ; account for remainder jmps dqt_calc_exit dqt_interchar: add bx, JUST_DEL_CHAR ; add in character offset cmp JUST_DEL_CHAR_REM, 0 ; need to add remainder? je dqt_calc_exit add bx, JUST_DEL_SIGN ; add in remainder dec JUST_DEL_CHAR_REM ; account for remainder dqt_calc_exit: ret ;**************************************************************** ; CLR_SKEW * ;**************************************************************** clr_skew: push bp push FG_BP_1 push LN_MASK ; If replace mode, use the background color. cmp WRT_MODE, 0 jne clr_skew_rotation_index mov bx, MAP_COL mov FG_BP_1, bx ; set to background color ; Set the rotation case index: 0 for 0 degrees, 2 for 90 degrees, 4 for ; 180 degrees, and 6 for 270 degrees. Prepare for the output loop. clr_skew_rotation_index: mov LN_MASK, 0ffffh ; set to solid line mov bx, SPECIAL and bx, ROTATE mov cl, 5 shr bx, cl ; bx = rotation case index mov cx, ACTDELY ; character cell height mov bp, 5555h ; skewing mask ; Top of the line output loop. clr_skew_loop: push bx push cx push bp push X1 push Y1 push X2 push Y2 call RECTFILL ; draw a line pop Y2 pop X2 pop Y1 pop X1 pop bp pop cx pop bx ; Location of the next line depends on the rotation angle. jmp line_table[bx] clr_skew_next_line_270: inc X1 ; next line right inc X2 jmps clr_skew_next_line_done clr_skew_next_line_180: inc Y1 ; next line down inc Y2 jmps clr_skew_next_line_done clr_skew_next_line_90: dec X1 ; next line left dec X2 jmps clr_skew_next_line_done clr_skew_next_line_0: dec Y1 ; next line up dec Y2 clr_skew_next_line_done: rol bp, 1 jnc clr_skew_next_loop jmp pixel_table[bx] clr_skew_next_pixel_270: inc Y1 ; bump every other y inc Y2 jmps clr_skew_next_loop clr_skew_next_pixel_180: dec X1 ; bump every other x dec X2 jmps clr_skew_next_loop clr_skew_next_pixel_90: dec Y1 ; bump every other y dec Y2 jmps clr_skew_next_loop clr_skew_next_pixel_0: inc X1 ; bump every other x inc X2 clr_skew_next_loop: dec cx jcxz end_clr_skew jmp clr_skew_loop end_clr_skew: pop LN_MASK pop FG_BP_1 pop bp ret