MEMORY MAPPED SCREEN 


                           For MS-DOS

                        SEPTEMBER 17,1983

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

WHO IS THIS FOR     .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .  1

WHAT TOOLS ARE REQUIRED  .    .    .    .    .    .    .  2

HOW TO MODIFY THE SKELETON    .    .    .    .    .    .  3

ADDING A MOUSE      .    .    .    .    .    .    .    . 13 
.he                                                   WHO IS THIS FOR
.PN 1


                    This  document  describes how to implement  a 
                    monochrome   screen  GRAPHICS  INPUT   OUTPUT 
                    SYSTEM (gios). The hardware addressed by this 
                    skeleton  must  have  the  following  charac

                         Processor      8088,8086,80186
                         Display        one bit/pixel

                                        bit  map  addressable  by 

                                        processor  may access bit 
                                        map  as  though  it  were 
                                        normal   memory.    (wait 
                                        states may be  inserted). 

                                        The  display must  use  a 
                                        byte  as eight contiguous 

                                        A scan line must be  made 
                                        up    of   a   contiguous 
                                        sequence of bytes. (bytes 
                                        may  be  swapped   within 
.he                                           WHAT TOOLS ARE REQUIRED


                    To  build  your  gios you  will  require  the 
                    following tools.

                         Assembler      Rasm86 from DRI
                         Linker         Link86 from DRI
                         Debugger       DDT86 from DRI
                         Skeleton       BWMMSKMS.A86 (you modify)
                         Text editor    
.he                                        HOW TO MODIFY THE SKELETON

                    In  order to simplify the process of building 
                    and  testing the skeleton,  we will do it  in 
                    several stages.  In addition to simplify  the 
                    testing  of the driver we recomend that  most 
                    of  the development be done under CP/M-86 and 
                    that  only the final stages be  tested  under 
     STAGE 1
                    Upon  completion  of this stage  your  driver 
                    will have all it's graphic output  primitives 
                    and their attribute routines functional.  You 
                    will  need to edit the file BWMMSKMS.A86 this 
                    is  the  section  which  is  required  to  be 
                    customized  for MSDOS.  The first task is  to 
                    modify   the  equates  for  your   particular 
                    hardware. We will now describe the equates in 
                    detail  and define what value you must  place 
                    in each.

                         xresmx    This   is  the  displayable  x 
                                   resolution  of  your   screen. 
                                   This  equate is used to inform 
                                   the  applications   programmer 
                                   how many addressable points in 
                                   the  x axis are available.  If 
                                   you  should have more  x  axis 
                                   information    than   can   be 
                                   displayed,   then  this  value 
                                   should  be only that which  is 
                                   If  you have a screen with 640 
                                   pixels in the x direction  the 
                                   number returned here is 639.

                         yresmx    This   is  the  displayable  y 
                                   resolution  of  your   screen. 
                                   This  equate is used to inform 
                                   the  applications   programmer 
                                   how many addressable points in 
                                   the  y axis are available.  If 
                                   you  should have more  y  axis 
                                   information    than   can   be 
                                   displayed,   then  this  value 
                                   should  be only that which  is 
                                   If  you have a screen with 480 
                                   pixels in the y direction  the 
                                   number returned here is 479.
                         xsize     This number is the size of the 
                                   pixel  in  microns  in  the  x 
                                   axis.   An  empirical  way  to 
                                   determine the correct value is 
                                   to start with xsize = 50. Then 
                                   to  draw  a box on the  screen 
                                   once your driver is functional 
                                   useing an equal number of  x,y 
                                   increments.  Measure  the size 
                                   of  the box and it's ratio  is 
                                   the size in microns in x to y.

                         ysize     This number is the size of the 
                                   pixel  in  microns  in  the  y 

                                   This is the segment address of 
                                   the  start  of  the  bit   map 

                                   This   is  the  size  of   the 
                                   graphics  memory.  It is  used 
                                   only  if  the  scan  lines  in 
                                   memory are not sequential. 
                                   The IBM P.C. uses 16k or 4000h 
                                   of  memory for it's  graphics. 
                                   It  also  breaks  this  memory 
                                   into two 8k sections with even 
                                   and odd scan lines coming from 
                                   alternate sections (segments). 
                                   Thus the IBM has a plane  size 
                                   of 4000h.

                         msb_first This  is set to either true or 
                                   false as required. If the most 
                                   significant  bit of a byte  in 
                                   the bit map is the leftmost on 
                                   the screen this should be  set 
                                   to  TRUE  else  it is  set  to 

                         byte_swap This is set to either true  or 
                                   false as required. If leftmost 
                                   byte  of  a scan line  has  an 
                                   even   address  then  this  is 
                                   FALSE else it is TRUE.
                         multiseg  This is set to either true  or 
                                   false    as    required.    If 
                                   sequential  scan lines on  the 
                                   screen  come  from  sequential 
                                   memory then this is FALSE else 
                                   it is TRUE. 
                                   The IBM PC requires a TRUE due 
                                   to  the fact that even and odd 
                                   scan  lines come  from  memory 
                                   2000h bytes apart. And is thus 
                                   not sequential. 

                         num_segs  If  multiseg  is true this  is 
                                   the  number of  segments  into 
                                   which  the  bitmap is  broken. 
                                   Else it is set to 1.

                                   This  is the number  of  bytes 
                                   per  scan line in the  bitmap. 
                                   On   some  machines  this   is 
                                   different  than the  displayed 
                                   number  of bytes per line.  It 
                                   is  used to calculate how  far 
                                   to  the  next  scan  line   in 

                                   This  is  the number of  ascii 
                                   character   columns   on   the 
                                   screen  when  in  alphanumeric 
                                   mode.  For an 80 x 24  display 
                                   this would be an 80.

                                   This  is  the number of  ascii 
                                   character  rows on the  screen 
                                   when in alphanumeric mode. For 
                                   an 80 x 24 display this  would 
                                   be an 24.

                                   This is the number of the last 
                                   escape  function  implemented. 
                                   This  is typically the same as 
                                   last_dri_escape but if  device 
                                   specific   escapes  are  added 
                                   then it will be the number  of 
                                   the   last   device   specific 
                                   This  is  the last DRI  escape 
                                   function which is implemented. 
                                   Typically this is a 19.

                         mouse     This returns either a true  or 
                                   false. If a mouse driver is to 
                                   be included this should be set 
                                   to  TRUE  else  it is  set  to 

                    Now two routines must be written or  modified 
                    to allow the gios to be partially functional. 
                    They are each outlined below.

                         escfn2:   This  is  an  escape  function                
                                   used  to put the display  into 
                                   graphics mode. It is called at 
                                   OPEN   WORKSTATION  time   and 
                                   whenever  going into  graphics 
                                   mode.   It  should  init   the 
                                   display  to graphics mode then 
                                   call clearmem.  If a mouse  is 
                                   present    it   should    call 
                                   mouse_function  to  initialize 
                                   the mouse.

                         concat:   This  is used to calculate the 
                                   actual  physical  address   in 
                                   memory from an x,y coordinate. 
                                   The  sample  code  given  will 
                                   work  with  little  change  on 
                                   many   systems.   If   the   y 
                                   resolution is greater than 256 
                                   then  a  16  bit  multiply  is 
                                   required    and   one   should 
                                   exercise  caution  since   the 
                                   ax,dx  pairs  are used as  the 
                                   result of this operation.
                                   The  entry and exit  registers 
                                   used  and  the  values  to  be 
                                   returned in them should not be 
                    The  driver may now begin testing.  To  build 
                    the  driver  use rasm86 to assemble the  file 
                    you just edited. A file will automatically be 
                    included into this which contains many highly 
                    optimized   routines  (monommre.a86).   After 
                    obtaining no errors during assembly, link the 
                    output of this assembly with monommob.obj and 
                    font.obj  to create a  device  driver.  After 
                    setting  up  an  assign.sys  file  with  your 
                    driver  as  the only device and numbered  01. 
                    Type GRAPHICS then try running  testgios.cmd. 
                    This  is  done by typing  RUN  TESTGIOS.  You 
                    should  recieve the first screen which is all 
                    graphics output.  If problems arise debugging 
                    is done quite simply. 
                    After  runing GRAPHICS an address is  printed 
                    on the screen indicating where the driver was 
                    loaded.  With ddt86 you can look at this area 
                    and  the  bytes  at 3 and 4 are  the  segment 
                    address  for  the code.  Since your  modified 
                    file  was linked first it is the  entry  into 
                    your gios.  When debugging the gios the first 
                    instuction  you  will see is a jump into  the 
                    main  body of the code  (monommob.obj).  This 
                    was  done  so as to  simplify  debugging.  To 
                    breakpoint  your  routine make a  listing  of 
                    your  module  after it is assembled  and  the 
                    offset in the listing will be where you  will 
                    place your breakpoint in the gios.

     STAGE 2
                    Upon  completion  of this stage  your  driver 
                    will   have  all  it's  alphanumeric  escapes 
                    functional.  You  will need to edit the  file 
                    BWMMSKMS.A86  this  is the section  which  is 
                    required to be customized for MSDOS.  If your 
                    machine emulates the IBM P.C.  ROM BIOS calls 
                    then  it  is  quite likely that you  need  no 
                    further  changes to your  skeleton.  We  will 
                    discuss  each routine in detail each of these 
                    routines   are   the   alphanumeric   escapes 
                    discussed in the GSX Version 1.X  programmers 

                    Escape    Description

                    escfn1:   NO MODIFICATION REQUIRED
                              This   returns   the   number    of 
                              character rows and columns.
                    escfn3:   This    routine   initializes   the 
                              display into alpha numeric mode. It 
                              is  called  at  CLOSE   WORKSTATION 
                              time,  and  any time the display is 
                              to  be  used in alpha  mode.  If  a 
                              mouse is connected and is interrupt 
                              driven then the mouse should be  de 
                              initialized    by    calling    the 
                              subroutine mouse_function.

                    escfn4:   This routine moves the alpha cursor 
                              up one character row.  If at top of 
                              screen no action occurs.

                    escfn5:   This routine moves the alpha cursor 
                              down  one  character  row.   If  at 
                              bottom of screen no action occurs.

                    escfn6:   This routine moves the alpha cursor 
                              right  one character column.  If at 
                              right  edge  of  screen  no  action 

                    escfn7:   This routine moves the alpha cursor 
                              left  one character column.  If at 
                              left  edge  of  screen  no  action 

                    escfn8:   This  routine homes the  cursor  to 
                              the   upper  left  corner  of   the 
                    escfn9:   This   routine   erases  from   the 
                              current  alpha cursor  location  to 
                              the  end  of  screen.   The  cursor 
                              location is unchanged at the end of 
                              the routine.

                    escf10:   This   routine   erases  from   the 
                              current  alpha cursor  location  to 
                              the  end of  the line.  The  cursor 
                              location is unchanged at the end of 
                              the routine.

                    escf11:   This  routine  moves the cursor  to 
                              the specified x,y location. The x,y 
                              location is specified in intin (1), 
                              intin (2).  The numbers passed  are 
                              from 1 to chars_line for x and 1 to 
                              lines_page  in y.  These  typically 
                              require decrementing to make them 0 

                    escf12:   This  routine  outputs text to  the 
                              alpha numeric display.  The  length 
                              of   the  string  in  contained  in 
                              contrl  (4)  and the string  is  in 
                              intin. Note that only one character 
                              is contained in each word of intin. 
                              Also  the characters output  should 
                              have   the  current  attribute   of 
                              escape functions 13,14 in effect.

                    escf13:   This  routine  turns on  a  reverse 
                              video attribute for all  subsequent 
                              characters  output  through  escape 
                              function   11.    Note   that   the 
                              attribute  used must be able to  be 
                              set  at any character location  and 
                              must   not  take  up  a   character 

                    escf14:   This  routine  turns off a  reverse 
                              video attribute for all  subsequent 
                              characters  output  through  escape 
                              function 11.

                    escf15:   This  routine  returns the  current 
                              x,y  cursor  address in  the  array 
                              intout  (1),  intout (2).  Note for 
                              those  displays not able to  return 
                              the  cursor position,  returning  a 
                              1,1 is acceptable.
                    escf16:   NO MODIFICATION REQUIRED
                              This routine returns the status  of 
                              whether  a  mouse,  joystick,  data 
                              tablet,  etc is connected.  This is 
                              done     automatically    by    the 
                              true/false you placed in (mouse).

                    escf17:   This routine would copy the  screen 
                              image to a hardcopy device. This is 
                              very  device specific and has  been 
                              rarely implemented. THIS ROUTINE IS 
                              NOT  REQUIRED FOR ANY DRI  APPLICA
                              TIONS SOFTWARE.

                    escf18:   NO MODIFICATION REQUIRED
                              This  routine turns on the  graphic 
                              cross  hair cursor.  This  code  is 
                              automatically   working  when  your 
                              graphics   output   functions   are 

                    escf19:   NO MODIFICATION REQUIRED
                              This  routine turns off the graphic 
                              cross  hair cursor.  This  code  is 
                              automatically   working  when  your 
                              graphics   output   functions   are 

               The  driver may now be tested.  You must  assemble 
               the  new driver using rasm86 and  link86.  If  the 
               alpha  numeric  escapes are compatible  with  your 
               CP/M  86 operating system the testing can be  done 
               there.  If  not then you must move the driver from 
               CP/M  to  MS DOS.  This is  typically  done  using 
               utilities  such as moveit.  And connecting a  CP/M 
               system  to an MS DOS system via RS 232.  Once this 
               is  done send the gios to the MS DOS  system.  The 
               simplest test is to RUN TESTGIOS.  The second  and 
               third  screens  will  test out the  alpha  numeric 
               escapes.  All  functions  should now  work  except 
               locator, string, choice and valuator input.

                      WORK.  THE GDOS FOR MS DOS READS CP/M STYLE 
                      DRIVER  FILES.  THIS IS WHY GIOS'S MUST  BE 
                      DEVELOPED UNDER CP/M. 
     STAGE 3
               Upon  completion of this stage your driver will be 
               completely  functional.  You will need to edit the 
               file  BWMMSKMS.A86  this is the section  which  is 
               required to be customized for MSDOS. If your mach
               ine emulates the IBM P.C.  ROM BIOS calls then  it 
               is  quite likely that you need no further  changes 
               to your skeleton.  We will discuss each routine in 
               detail  each of these routines are the input func
               tions.  Each  is written from a sampled  point  of 
               view.  This  means  that whenever the  routine  is 
               called  it  tests to see if a key is available  if 
               not it returns to the caller with the  appropriate 
               status set.  The parameter passing conventions are 
               well defined in the  header to each function.  The 
               routines  which need to be written or modified are 
               described below.
                              This routine returns deltax, deltay 
                              or character and or status informa-
                              tion.  In  addition  if a mouse  is 
                              connected this is a convienent spot 
                              for it's information to be  return
                              ed. There is a conditional assembly 
                              at the head of this module allowing 
                              a mouse to be connected. To facili-
                              tate  a mouse being connected  this 
                              should be left intact.  A mouse may 
                              be simply be added by modifying the 
                              mouse  driver and setting the mouse 
                              switch  to  true.  The  get_loc_key 
                              routine   returns  three   possible 
                              (1) no keys were pressed where al=0 
                              is returned.
                              (2)  a key was pressed but  it  was 
                              not  a  key to be used for  locator 
                              movement,  it is returned in ah and 
                              al = 1.
                              (3)  a key was pressed which is  to 
                              be used for locator  movement.  The 
                              delta   x,delta  y  values  can  be 
                              looked  up in a table found in  the 
                              data section called  loc_tbl.  This 
                              table  uses  equates found  at  the 
                              front  of  the file to  define  the 
                              ammount  of  deltax,deltay  to   be 
                              returned   for  key   presses.   We 
                              suggest  that shifted and unshifted 
                              arrow  keys  be used  for  locator. 
                              Shifted  should  move  in  1  pixel 
                              increments  and  unshifted   should 
                              move   in  large   increments.   In 
                              addition a home key should home.
                              This routine returns a delta  value
                              or character and or status informa-
                              tion.  The  routine  returns  three 
                              possible conditions.
                              (1) no keys were pressed where al=0 
                              is returned.
                              (2)  a key was pressed but  it  was 
                              not  a key to be used for  valuator 
                              movement,  it is returned in ah and 
                              al = 1.
                              (3)  a key was pressed which is  to 
                              be used for valuator movement.  The 
                              delta  value can be looked up in  a 
                              table  found  in the  data  section 
                              called  val_tbl.  This  table  uses 
                              equates  found at the front of  the 
                              file to define the ammount of delta 
                              to be returned for key presses.  We 
                              suggest that shifted and  unshifted 
                              arrow  keys  be used  for valuator.
                              Shifted  should move in  increments 
                              of  1 and unshifted should move  in 
                              large  increments.

                              This routine returns a choice value 
                              and status information. The routine 
                              returns two possible conditions.
                              (1) no keys were pressed where al=0 
                              is returned.
                              (2)  a key was pressed which is  to 
                              be  used for a choice.  The  choice 
                              keys  are  typically function  keys 
                              and  can be  tested  arithmetically 
                              rather  than by a lookup table.  If 
                              the  key pressed was a  choice  key 
                              it's  number  is  returned  in  the 
                              range  bx  = 1 - maximum number  of 
                              choice  keys and al = 1.  If not  a 
                              valid key then al=0.

                              This  routine  returns key  and  or 
                              status  information.   The  routine 
                              returns two possible conditions.
                              (1) no keys were pressed where al=0 
                              is returned.
                              (2)  a  key was pressed and  it  is 
                              returned in BX and al=1. 
.he                                                    ADDING A MOUSE

               To add a mouse to the gios you have completed  you 
               will modify a skeleton mouse driver. You will need 
               to familiarize yourself with the type of mouse you 
               wish  to implement.  If the mouse is connected  to 
               the  computer via RS232 then you will also need to 
               be aware of how to initialize the RS232  channel's 
               baud rate,  data bits/char,  stop bits, parity and 
               the  mechanism for generating and acknowleging  an 
               interrupt from the port.

               The  skeleton  mouse driver was implemented on  an 
               IBM P.C.  for a MOUSE SYSTEMS MOUSE.  This section 
               will describe how to modify the skeleton  provided 
               for  your system to use a MOUSE SYSTEMS MOUSE.  If 
               another mouse with a different protocall than this 
               is  desired to be implemented it should not  be  a 
               difficult  task.  DRI  will be implementing  other 
               skeleton's for mice not compatible with the  MOUSE 
               SYSTEMS   protocall.   Check  with  the  technical 
               representative  from  DRI in your locale  for  the 
               availability of other mice skeletons.

               We will discuss the routines which will need to be 
               modified  for you to implement the mouse  on  your 

                              This  routine  initializes  several 
                              status  bytes.  This code should be 
                              left  intact.  It next  initializes 
                              the   baud  rate  and  other   uart 
                              parameters.  This must be  modified 
                              for  your  particular  system.  The 
                              baud  rate  should be set to  1200, 
                              with 8 data bits,  no parity and  1 
                              stop bit. Next the code initializes 
                              the interrupt vector location. This 
                              is  easily  modified by seting  the 
                              equate  mouse_int_vector_offset  to 
                              the value 4*intlvl where intlvl  is 
                              the  level of interrupt the uart is 
                              connected  to.  Next the code  must 
                              enable the recieve interrupt and if 
                              required  the interrupt  controller 
                              may  require initialization of  the 
                              interrupt mask.
                              This routine disables the interrupt 
                              from the mouse.  It also should put 
                              the  old interrupt vector  back  in 
                              memory  if the operating system  is 
                              expecting   to  recieve  interrupts 
                              from  that channel.  This  is  very 
                              implementation   specific  and  the 
                              only thing that MUST be done is  to 
                              disable   the  interrupts  on   the 
                              chanel  so  that when other  gios's 
                              are  loaded no spurious  interrupts 
                              are generated.
                              This is the interrupt time  handler 
                              for the mouse. There are two area`s 
                              which may need to be modified.  The 
                              first is how you read the byte from 
                              the  communications  port  this  is 
                              typically   done  by  a  simple  IN 
                              instruction  with  the  port  being 
                              equated to recieve_port. The second 
                              area  where  modification  may   be 
                              required is at mouse_int_exit where 
                              interrupts   from  the  comm   port 
                              should  be ensured to be  reenabled 
                              and  the  interrupt controller  may 
                              require   and  end   of   interrupt 

                     mouse    This equate must be set to TRUE for 
                              the  mouse  to be  functional.  The 
                              mouse  driver will now be  included 
                              into   your  skeleton   driver   at 
                              assembly   time.   The  number   of 
                              locator  devices will automatically 
                              be  updated now that you have  your 
                              mouse installed.