På svenska

How to reach me?

I can be reached in several ways:
* E-mail: petersv@df.lth.se
* Irc: Under the nick Petersv on IRCnet
* Finger: petersv@df.lth.se
* Phone: 046-30 50 29 (hem)
0708-11 49 68 (mobil)

To be certain only I can read a message you can send it encrypted by PGP. My pgp key had the KeyID F522D141 and the key fingerprint
8A E9 20 98 C1 FF 43 E3 07 FD B9 0A 80 72 70 AF

Peter Svensson, petersv@df.lth.se, Datorföreningen vid LU & LTH, 971018