Maries sida för lite enkel HTML-kod

- Internet Notes, including RFCs, FYIs, STDs, and IMRs.
- Request For Comments indexed by Glimpse
- rfc1035

- A Short History of Internet Protocols at CERN
- WWW Support for CERN (15-May-1996)

- Netscape - Creating Net Sites, viktiga länkar + tables
- Netscape
- Netscape - Dynamic Document Demonstration
- Netscape - Frames Tutorial
- Netscape Handbook

- W3C - The WWW Consortium
- W3C - Style Guide for Online Hypertext
- W3C - Tools for WWW providers
- W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium startsida
- W3C - Cascading Style Sheets, level 1
- W3C - Formatting online hypertext in a device-independent way
- W3C - Give the status -- Style Guide
- W3C - HTML 2.0 Materials
- W3C - Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0 - Document Structure
- W3C - Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0 - Introduction
- W3C - Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0 - Table of Contents
- W3C - HyperText Markup Language (HTML): Working and Background Materials
- W3C - HyperText Markup Language (HTML): Working and Background Materials
- W3C - HyperText Markup Language Specification 3.0
- W3C - HyperText Markup Language Specification Version 3.0
- W3C - Introduction -- Style
- W3C - Making links into context -- Hypertext style
- W3C - References from Style Guide for Online Hypertext
- W3C - Structure -- Style guide
- W3C - Style Guide for Online Hypertext
- W3C - Style Guide for Online Hypertext
- W3C - Testing your online hypertext
- W3C - The TITLE element in HTML
- W3C - Web Style Sheets
- W3C - WithinDocument -- Style
- W3C - Technical Reports and Publications

HTML tillverkning
- CMU - Composing Good HTML
- Hands-On Introduction to Web Site Construction
- HTML Guru!; Mycket bra tips
- mailto-länkar
- HTML Quick Reference Guide
- HTML Reference Library
- Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
- Introduction to HTML
- Introduction to HTML and URLs
- MS - Cascading Style Sheets Gallery

- WebTech - Validation Service
- A Kinder, Gentler HTML Validator
- WebTechs Validation Service
Marie Rasmusson,
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