Download Interactive Fiction

My Own Games

The Dungeon of Dunjin

A rather traditional game, with lots of locations (mostly underground), lots of puzzles, some magic, some science, and not much of a plot. Kind of a homage to Zork and Colossal Cave, with some new twists to old themes.

Download exectuables for MS-DOS/Windows or Macintosh.

If you're stuck, here's a hint sheet and a solution. Neither the hint sheet or the solution were written by me, and I accept no responsibility for their contents.

As of 20/3/2001, Dunjin is freeware. The MS-DOS version has been updated to reflect this. The Macintosh version still says that it's shareware and asks you to register, but you can disregard that.

Uncle Zebulon's Will

A rather short game, which won a prize in the 1996 IF Competition.

The latest version is version 3, released January 15, 2003.

Download the TADS game file. To play this game, you need the TADS run-time system which can be downloaded from here.

Download the source code.

Read a walk-through (not written by me).


A very short piece. Written for atmosphere; perhaps a bit lacking in substance.

Download the TADS game file. To play this game, you need the TADS run-time system which can be downloaded from here.

Download the source code (TADS 2.5.5).

New: Read the official walk-through.


The Interactive Life of a Chess Piece. Originally part of the TextFire 12-pack, now released on its own, complete with Inform source code.

Download the game file and source code.

Hunt the Wumpus

This is a slightly modernized port of a classic game from way back when - the original was written by Gregory Yob in 1972. It's not really IF, but can be regarded as a precursor of text adventures. And the port is written in the IF language Inform.

Download the game file and Inform source code.

Other People's Games

The world's best resource for IF and text adventure games is the IF archive at

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