| Books
& PicturesThis is just a bunch of books and pictures I recommend.
You might need this if you wish to understand everything on my homepage. =) Books
- Fiction
- Adams, Douglas, "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency"
- Adams, Douglas, "The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To the Galaxy"
- Carroll, Lewis, "Alice In Wonderland"
- Christie, Agatha, "Ten Little Niggers"
- Dickson Carr, John, "The Devil In Velvet"
- Dickson, Carter, "The Judas Window"
- Ende, Michael, "Momo, oder die seltsame Geschichte von den
Zeit-Dieben und von dem Kind, das den Menschen
die gestohlene Zeit zurückbrachte"
- Innes, Michael, "Lament For A Maker"
- Palahniuk, Chuck, "Fight Club"
- Shea, Robert and Wilson, Robert Anton, "Illuminatus!"
Books - Other
- Hofstadter, Douglas R., "Gödel, Escher, Bach"
- Hofstadter, Douglas R., "Metamagical Themas"
Listed by director. - Adamson, Andrew and Jenson, Vicky,
- Aronofsky, Darren, "Pi"
- Aronofsky, Darren, "Requiem For A Dream"
- Coen, Joel, "The Big Lebowski"
- Gilliam, Terry, "Brazil"
- Gilliam, Terry, "Twelve Monkeys"
- Hill, George Roy, "The Sting"
- Jeunet, Jean-Pierre, "Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulin"
- Jonze, Spike, "Being John Malkovich"
- Kubrick, Stanley, "2001 - A Space Odyssey"
- Kubrick, Stanley, "Dr. Strangelove"
- Luhrmann, Baz, "Moulin Rouge"
- Lynch, David, "Lost Highway"
- Lynch, David, "Mulholland Drive"
- Mendes, Sam, "American Beauty"
- Nolan, Christopher, "Memento"
- Pink Floyd, "The Wall"
- Prehn, Stefan and Wagner, Jörg, "Staplerfahrer Klaus - Der erste
- Tarkovsky, Andrei, "Solaris"
- Yankovich, Al, "UHF"
- Zwigoff, Terry, "Ghost World"