Reversing bit orderAssembler/8086

In some cases it may be usefull to reverse the order of the bits. Consider 01011001 and reversed 10011010. One solution is to use a lookuptable. Andi Smithers wrote slower but smaller and more elegant solution at the cost of no table, this version uses 32 bit registers but these can be replaced so that the gem may run on a 8086:

        xor     eax,eax
        mov     ebx,data2invert ; your input data
        mov     cl,revbits      ; number of bits to reverse
	ror     ebx,1
	rcl     eax,1
	dec     cl
        jnz     revloop
This routine is small and general but slow. Vesa Karvonen presents a faster routine for inverting 32 bit numbers:
        bswap   eax             ; Data in EAX
	mov     edx,eax         ; Trashes EDX
	and     eax,00F0F0F0Fh  ; "AND eax,0F0F0F0Fh" < "AND edx,0F0F0F0Fh"
	xor     edx,eax         ; Smaller than "AND edx,0F0F0F0F0h"!
	rol     eax,8           ; Rotate instead of 2 shifts!
	or      eax,edx
	mov     edx,eax
	and     eax,033333333h
	xor     edx,eax
	rol     eax,4
	or      eax,edx         ; Shift version could use LEAs,
	mov     edx,eax         ; but it may not be faster.
	and     eax,055555555h
	xor     edx,eax
	rol     eax,2
	or      eax,edx
	ror     eax,7           ; Rotate back...
According to my "in memory" 486 info (it has been a while since I last used one) it should take about 21 clock cycles. It is not the fastest possible, but it also doesn't use a LUT. The rotates are NP on Pentium so you might want use shifts on Pentium instead and schedule the instructions appropriately.
Finally Terje Mathisen gives a LUT solution. The LUT is calculated with this C-snippet:
  return byterev[a >> 24] + (byterev[(a >> 16) & 255] << 8) +
     (byterev[(a >> 8) & 255] << 16) + (byterev[a & 255] << 24);
The actual bit reverse is done with the following snippet:
; input: eax
; output: eax
; destroys: ebx, ecx, edx

        xor     ebx,ebx
        mov     bl,al
        xor     ecx,ecx
        mov     cl,ah
        bswap   eax
        xor     edx,edx
        mov     dl,ah
        and     eax,255
        mov     bl,byterev[ebx]
        mov     bh,byterev[ecx]
        bswap   ebx
        mov     al,byterev[eax]
        mov     ah,byterev[edx]
        or      eax,ebx
Gem writers: Andi Smithers
Vesa Karvonen
Terje Mathisen
last updated: 1998-03-16