From: (Pinhead the Cenobite)

Subject: Re: Recent Explosion of Cluelessness on Usenet!?

Date: Fri, 23 Dec 1994 16:00:28

In article <> (Stephen Boursy) writes:
>Newsgroups: alt.religion.kibology,alt.usenet.kooks,talk.bizarre,alt.flame,,ne.general,alt.peeves,alt.stupidity,alt.conspiracy,alt.zima
>From: (Stephen Boursy)
>Subject: Re: Recent Explosion of Cluelessness on Usenet!?
>Message-ID: <>
>Organization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA
>References: <3d0a1f$> <3d0bst$95@cat.cis.Brown.EDU> <> <3d0q5k$>
>Date: Sun, 18 Dec 1994 14:01:35 GMT
>Lines: 47
>Xref: talk.bizarre:25707 alt.flame:11829

>In article <3d0q5k$>,
>Jason V Robertson <> wrote:
>>In article <> (Stephen Boursy) 
>>>In article <3d0bst$95@cat.cis.Brown.EDU>,
>>>brent jackson <> wrote:
>>>>Jason V Robertson ( writes:
>>>>\\ Hey, you kibology fuckwad.  Why don't you read the fucking charter.  
>>>>\\ Youre crap does NOT belong in this group.  Pleas desist.
>>>><trumpets blare>
>>>>announcing: the triumphant return of jason v robertson to 
>>>>            alt.religion.kibology!

>>>      I fail to see any inappropriate newsgroups in the header.  What 
>>>is alt.zima by the way?  You should send this one to the committee.
>>I can only assume you meant "I fail to see any *appropriate* newsgroups"...
>>If not, I have no idea how to reply.

>        What by the way is alt.zima concerned with (objective info--not 
>interpretation of mision and purpose).

I imagine alt.zima concerns itself with the clear alcoholic malt beverage that 
has been released in the last 6 months or so.

"Zima. Zomething different."

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     | Y     ~-. | ,-~     Y |     "I hate God,
     | |        }:{        | |      I don't need no God, 
     j l       / | \       ! l      I make my own fuckin' destiny."   
  .-~  (__,.--" .^. "--.,__)  ~-.             -Excessive Force
 (           / / | \ \           )   
  \.____,   ~  \/"\/  ~   .____,/  
   ^.____                 ____.^   "Disorder, chaos, anarchy..
      | |T ~\  !   !  /~ T| |       now *THAT'S* fun!"
      | |l   _ _ _ _ _   !| |              -Top Dollar:
      | l \/V V V V V V\/ j |               The Crow
      l  \ \|_|_|_|_|_|/ /  !  
       \  \[T T T T T TI/  /   
        \  `^-^-^-^-^-^'  /  "No, no, we are all definitely AST"
         \               /                    - Chris Hooten
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                      THE CENOBITE  

"War and Slavery, exploitation,
 The common faces of the Western Nation,
 Official version of falsified story,
 The truth lies buried in a shroud of glory."
                      -KMFDM "Angst": Glory

Jesper Nilsson // or