From: (The Arctos Group)

Subject: ABOI: Netscape HTML Extensions

Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 07:23:46 EDT

Reposted from comp.infosystems.www.misc

>From a discussion of the merits/evils of Mosaic Communications Corp's 
extensions to html (hypertextmark-up language) used to create world wide web 
documents, such extensions being readable at present only with their
proprietary freeware Netscape browser.

>From: (Killer of Trees)
>Subject: a little levity, anyone?
>Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 03:51:30 GMT

>Top Ten HTML Extensions that Did Not Make it Into Netscape 0.9 (*)

>1.  <WIRED>...</WIRED>

>Renders the enclosed text in Sturm und Drang 374 Medium Bold Condensed, 
>in light purple on a neon orange background.  Tells you repeatedly
>how cool you are for using netscape.  

>2.  <ROACH>....</ROACH>

>When selected, the enclosed text runs and hides under the nearest window.  
>OR, giggles a lot and demands nachos, depending on your definition of
>"roach." (the formal definition, of course, to be determined by the
>Official Honorary Internet Standards Committee For Moving Really Slowly.)

>3.  <KILL_SGML>

>Should anyone foolish enough to think that HTML is still SGML and try and 
>run a netscape-html document through an SGML editor, processor, or other 
>tool, this tag causes an immediate core dump, erases anything on your 
>disk with "DTD" in the name, and emails a randomly-selected insult to Tim 


>Inserts "zippyisms" into the enclosed text.  Perfect for those professional

>5.  <SECRET>....</SECRET>

>In order to read the enclosed text, you have to have secret spy decoder
>glasses (available direct from Mcom for a reasonable fee).

>You can also read it by holding your computer in front of a full moon 
>during the autumn solstice.  

>6. <HYPE>

>Causes Marc Andreesen to magically appear and grant you an interview 
>(whether you want one or not).

>Please use this tag sparingly. 

>7.  <PEEK>....</PEEK>
>8.  <POKE>...</POKE>

>So you want more control over screen layout in HTML?  Well, here ya go.


>Summons the elder gods to suck away your immortal soul.  Or Bill Gates, if 
>the elder gods are busy.

>Unpredictable (but amusing) results occur when the <YOGSOTHOTH> and
><HYPE> tags are used in close proximity.

>10.  <BLINK>...</BLINK>

>Causes the enclosed text to....

>ooops, that one made it in.

>(*) because they ran out of beer.

>DISCLAIMER:  I'm not on anyone's side.  I have a 100.4 degree fever,
>six chapters to write in 13 days, three hours sleep and way too
>much blood in my cafeine stream.  I hate everyone.

>Copyright (c) 1994 Laura Lemay.  Copy this without my name on it and I'll 
>come to your house and make you read netscape documents using lynx.

>Laura Lemay                    

Jesper Nilsson // or