From: (Peter Burka)

Subject: ABOI: Joel Furr - net.dictator (Monty Python-ish)

Date: 24 Oct 1994 01:08:54 GMT

[ posted to news.groups ]
[ posted by boigy@wpi.WPI.EDU (Thomas Gerha Seidenberg) ]
[ Followup-To: junk ]

In article <38efv7$> (Taki Kogoma) writes:
>You don't *vote* for dictators!
>"Then how'd 'e become dictator then?"
>The newbies of the net, their posts clad in ignorance and ineptitude,
>held aloft the T-shirt, signifying by sheer lassitude that he, Joel I,
>was to be dictator.

Strange neophites, plying the net, and buying trinkets is no basis for a
system of newsgroups!  Supreme creation power derives from a mandate from
the the Cabal (tm), not from some farsical net-collectable!

"Stop Posting!"
You can't expect to weild newsgroup creation power just becuase some
stupid Freshman bought a shirt from you!
"STOP Posting!"
Look, If I went around saying I was Bill Joy, just because some person
bought a necklace from me, they'd put me away!
"STOP POSTING!  I order you to stop posting!  IGNORANT NEWBIE!!"
Ahah!  Now we see the violence inherant in the system!
Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!
..Dat da dat-da da-dat-dah-da...

Jesper Nilsson // or