From: (Malinda McCall)

Subject: ABOI: a repost! :) (HINT HINT) Evil Espan~ol.

Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 18:06:01 MET

In response to a request for cante jondo lyrics, a merry prankster wrote:
: I feel that to be really melancholy, you have to HINT at the situation 
: that makes you blue and makes you do that How How How like John Lee.
: Simply saying that your wife left you for another man and your dog 
: ran away and you're broke and miserble and your truck has a flat in 
: Spanish won't cut it. You need SUBTLE angst, the angst that comes 
: from centuries of oppression and worshipping large scary gods who 
: want to carve your genitals from your body (in some cases...anyone 
: know any cheery Mayas? Or ANY MAyas, for that matter? *chuckle*). You 
: need the angst that comes from living in a country so hot that 
: everyone feels wrung out like a dishrag by noon and must faint 
: quietly for an hour or so to survive. These are strong people to 
: survive their environment! You must reflect this. My Spanish (well, 
: Basque) and Mexican co-workers used to be hilariously funny. I miss 
: them! 
: Without further ado, non-PC Spanish angst for the requestor:

: 1) Yo no sabia que la tela meta'lica teni'a tantos usos--?Cua'ndo se 
: fueron los frenos?
: 2) Su cochinito es ma's lindo, sen~orita, pero se me ha cagado en las 
: piernas.
: 3) No me siento bien, por favor pre'steme su sombrero.
: 4) O poderoso Zapoletoltecoaxacoatlototoc, Dios de la Aviacio'n, 
: Langostas y Equipaje Perdido, por favor a regre'same mi elegante maleta 
: Gucci que fue a parar a Guadalajara o Guadalupe. Y si pudieras darme un 
: minuto de tu valioso tiempo, O Infelicidad Reptilia y Alada, por favor 
: castiga severamente a todo cruel e inepto malatero.
: 5) ?Cua'l es el problema, oficial? En realidad, el sema'foro estaba en verde.
: !NO! !No, yo no lo estoy llamando mentiroso. ?Tienen que estar tan 
: apretadas las esposas?
: 6) Entiendo que este edificio tiene cuatrocientos an~os. Pero preferiri'a 
: una habatacio'n sin alacranes.
: 7) Si, sen~ora, e'se un lindo serape de lana. El motivo con el burro es 
: interesante. Pero hace treinta y cinco grados aqui' en la playa. No 
: necesito cuatro kilos de tela de lana hoy. ?Tiene cerveza fri'a?
: 8) ?Que' yace immovi'l dentro del mole? ?Que' emana de las profundidades del 
: chile relleno? 
: 9) Las ampollas se curara'n pronto.
: 10) !Ojala' que enormes armadillos copulen en sus intestinos!
: 11) Estimado General, siento haber hablado de poli'tica y del taman~o de su 
: esposa. Admiro el gobierno militar y mujeres de 140 kilos. En realidad, mi 
: propia asposa querida es una dictadora y orangu'tan. Gracias por cancelar 
: el escuadro'n de fusilamiento.
: 12) Por favor, saque esas maracas de mi cara.

: Translations:

: 1) I never knew chicken wire had so many uses--when did the brakes go out?
: 2) Your piglet is the prettiest, miss, but it has had a BM in my lap.
: 3) I don't feel well, please lend me your hat.
: 4) O mighty (long annoying name here), God of Flight, Locusts and Lost 
: Luggage, please return to me my handsome Gucci bag that went to 
: Guadalahara or Guadalupe. And if you can spare a moment in your busy 
: schedule, O Winged Reptilian Unhappiness, please firmly smite all cruel 
: and inept baggage handlers.
: 5) What's the prob, officer? The light was quite green, actually. No, No. 
: I am not calling ou a liar. Do the handcuffs have to be so tight?
: 6) I understand that this building is 400 years old. But I'd prefer a 
: room without scorpions.
: 7) Yes, madam, that is a lovely wool serape. The burro motif is 
: appealing. But it is 95 degrees here on the beach. I do not need 10 
: pounds of wool today. Have you any cold beer?
: 8) What lies motionless under the spicy chocolate sauce? What oozes from 
: the depths of the stuffed pepper?
: 9) The blisters will heal soon.
: 10) May large armadillos copulate in his colon!
: 11) Dear General, I'm sorry I mentioned politics and your wife's 
: enormity. I admire military rule and 300 pound women. Actually, my own 
: dear wife is a dictator and an orangutan. Thanks for cancelling the death 
: squad.
: 12) Please get your maracas out of my face.

: Miss M
# Do not hold to dualistic thinking and the juggling of    #
# relative concepts.  Maintain an integrated perspective;  #
# duality leads only to pain and weakness. --Ni, Hua Ching #

Jesper Nilsson // or