From: <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularities Digest #687

Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 12:48:10 -0500


Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 11:25:59 -0500

From: "Steve Kinzler" <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularities Digest #687

To find out all about the Usenet Oracle, including how to participate,
send mail to with the word "help" in the subject

Let us know what you like!  Send your ratings of these 10 Oracularities
on an integer scale of 1 ("very poor") to 5 ("very good") with the
volume number to (probably just reply to this
message).  For example:
    2 1 3 4 3   5 3 3 4 1

682 100 votes  hsop6 eoEh5 8pumf beokv 1biHr 3afsI wsoc4 cmrqd eArk3 pkvi6
682  3.0 mean   2.8   2.8   3.1   3.5   3.8   4.0   2.3   3.1   2.6   2.6


Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 11:26:09 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #687-01

Selected-By: (Scott Forbes)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Oracle, who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men,
> Who is the president of Canada?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} A tough question, indeed. What evil DOES lurk in the hearts of men who
} is the president of canada?
} Well, it has been argued that a number of Canadian presidents have, in
} fact, not been men but alien invaders. These short, black eyed
} politicians with long fingers have ruled canada for centuries,
} determined to muck up politics as much as possible. Led by Brian "ha
} they think i'm really a human" Mulroney, the Canadian presidents have
} silently put Canada in a position to rule the world.
} Look at it this tick off canada, no Canadian Bacon, eh?
} Attempts have been made to tie the bacon conspiracy to the moose
} rebellion and the mounty round-up of 1932, but at present no acceptable
} theory has been proposed. In addition, while the "lone logger" theory
} is a favorite of conspiracy freaks, there exists at current time no
} evidence indicating that the tree in question was anything but a tree.
} you owe the oracle the world series pennant.


Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 11:26:10 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #687-02

Selected-By: (David BREMNER)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> why am I here?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Stop asking questions! Just stand right there on the center of the "X"
} and keep your mouth shut!  Let's see now...the candle flame burns the
} rope...the rope breaks, lands on the teeter-totter...HEY! DON'T LOOK
} UP, EITHER!! There's nothing interesting dangling from that cable above
} you. Okay...the teeter-totter flips the Spam cube into the wildebeast's
} mouth...the wildebeast vomits uncontrollably onto this pressure plate,
} which switches the battery on and shocks the construction worker with
} 50,000 volts. HEY! ARE YOU TRYING TO MOVE THAT "X?" PUT IT BACK!  Where
} was I...oh yeah. The construction worker gets mad, proceeds to beat the
} wildebeast with a ball-peen hammer. The worker's visible butt crack
} causes the old lady to scream -- which wakes up Mr. Feinstein next
} door, who gets up and shuts the window, which is hooked to a rope that
} pulls the "drop" lever on the crane, and then....
} <*ZOF!*>
} Damn! Another "zof." I don't understand why it's not <*ZOT*>ting. HEY,
} your hard hat back on...I've got to start all over again.
} You owe the Oracle an Anvilanian flag.


Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 11:26:11 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #687-03

Selected-By: (David BREMNER)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Oh most midwestern oracle, I am experiencing culture shock.
> i went to a futball game.  a funny guy was there.
> he told a funny joke.  a kid was walking on the sidewalk.
> he walked past a driveway.  there were some "event staff"
> type guys there, and a little golf-cart thing was pulling
> into the driveway.  the "event staff" guys said "hey, stop"
> they said "watch out"  the kid was still walking in the driveway.
> he didn't hear the "event staff" guys 'cause he was talking to
> his friend.  the golf-cart thing had to stop real fast.
> it almost hit the kid.  the kid had a dark complekshun and
> curly hair.
> thats when the funny guy told his joke.  he said
> "hey, el stoppe!"  then he laffed.  so did the
> "event staff" guys.  so did some other people walking
> there (they weren't really walking, 'cause they
> stopped for the golf-cart thing)  i think it must
> be a funny joke 'cause they all laffed.
> hehehehehe hehehehehe

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} HEY, boy.  Yeah, YOU!  You talkin' to ME?  What the hell you think
} I am, the hired help?  Didn't your mama teach you to GROVEL when you
} speak to the Oracle?   Okay, that's better.
} What the hell you want, anyway.  Lessee here.  Okay, it seems you
} got some kind of PROBLEM with guys who play golf?  What, you one
} of them damn HIPPIES that thinks climbing rocks butt-naked with
} your long Goldilocks hair is a *sport*?  Now listen, boy, a lot
} of people play golf that's a finer American than *you'll* ever be,
} like Arnold Palmer and Bob Hope.  Or maybe it's the cart's your
} problem?  What, you think you're a big stud 'cause you're out
} jogging past the course in your screaming pink Nike running shorts and
} you see some guy that's retired making more money in a WEEK than
} you'll see in your LIFE riding up to the tee in a cart and you think
} HE'S the weakling?  Yeah, bub, and maybe you should try stopping
} your swishy jogging butt and challenging that old red-blooded American
} MAN to an arm-wrestle and see if he don't grind your knuckles into a
} gopher hole faster'n you can scream sexual harrassment to your damn
} liberal lawyer.
} Hey, you want to hear a funny joke, I'll tell you a funny joke.
} One day this panty-waisted goldilocks pretty-boy liberal was out
} rock-climbing in one of them California desert places that they all
} go smoke dope all over and then complain about some red-blooded guy
} that WORKS for a living because he runs over some damn desert
} TORTOISE's toes with his dirt bike.  So anyway this goldilocks slips
} like the DAMNFOOL that he is and there he is danglin' on his rope
} about a hundred feet above the ground.  And he's screeching and peeing
} in his pants when all of a sudden he hears a voice above him, BIG
} voice, and it says, "Let go, my son.  Let go, and you will drop into
} the hands of God."  And the goldilocks says, "No, no, I'm too SCARED,
} I'll fall and die."  And the voice says, "Let go, child, and you will
} drop into the hands of God!"  And so the goldilocks closes his eyes
} and lets go the rope . . . and he drops down like 50-pound grain
} sack and goes SPLATTT all over the rocks.  And then the BIG voice
} come out of the sky again and says, "Stupid Clinton liberal!"
} So lessee here, what the HELL was your question?  Now hang on
} there, bub, YOU ain't in a hurry to get anywhere else so's *I* can
} see. We gonna have us a LONG chat...
} You owe the Redneck Oracle a dozen GIF's of E-I-E-I-O U cheerleaders
} and a case of Jim Beam.


Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 11:26:13 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #687-04

Selected-By: (Michael A. Atkinson)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> I'm running Windows 3.1, with RPRINTER loaded. As soon as I'm loading
> Word for Windows 6.0 the PC hangs. Do I need to change my Config.sys or
> my System.ini file.
> [name and address elided by Priest to protect the innocent]

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} You need to change your operating system.
} Please send a note to with the subject "help."


Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 11:26:14 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #687-05

Selected-By: "Carole S. Fungaroli" <>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> What is the name of the longest place in Wales?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

}              Intestines.
}              Yes; the intestines are the longest place in whales.  As
}          you probably know (at least you should know if you paid
}          attention in school,) a human's intestines stretched out is
}          about 22 feet long.  A full size sperm whale's intestines are
}          about 435 feet long; and contrary to popular belief, you can
}          NOT survive in a whale's stomach or intestines (not very long
}          anyway.)
}              You owe the Oracle a signed copy of "Moby Dick."


Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 11:26:16 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #687-06

Selected-By: (Scott Forbes)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Wise and fabulous Oracle,
> What do you think of the Prince Charles and Princess Diana situation?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

}                 The Princess and the Jelly Beans
} Once upon a time, or maybe twice, there was a bored prince. Besides
} being bored, he was lonely, homely, and beset upon by paparazzi. As you
} could imagine, this made him a little irritable from time to time, but
} he worked it off through occasional hunting trips and the knowledge
} that someday he would be King.
} One day, his mother the Queen called to him. "Chuck," she said, for
} that was his name, being short for 'Woodchuck,' "the time is come for
} you to settle down." She sent him forth for to find a wife.
} Now in those days it was common for a young man to find a wife by
} searching at discos and nightclubs and other places where a woman might
} be found drinking or dancing. But such a woman would not be suitable
} for a prince. Suffice it to say that the Prince undertook a long and
} difficult search and finally brought home a woman whom he proclaimed to
} be "fit for a prince."
} The Queen had her doubts. She wanted only the best for her son, as she
} needed to ensure that the new princess would never be caught sunbathing
} topless or consorting with other men. So she devised a test for the new
} Princess-to-be.
} The night before the Princess-to-be was to arrive, the Queen snuck into
} the guest room and looked at the bed. Unlike the beds once used for
} visiting princesses, this one was a waterbed with a heater set to
} precisely 30 degrees Celsius, that being the measuring system at use in
} the kingdom for many years. The Queen looked about the room furtively,
} then slipped a screwdriver from the sleeve of her gown. It was the work
} of a moment to open the thermostat and set the it down to 29 degrees,
} while keeping the dial set at 30. She knew that this would be a true
} test of a princess. (To be completely truthful, the Queen discovered
} that she actually needed a Phillips screwdriver, and so she had to
} borrow a Swiss Army Knife from one of the palace guards. But it was
} scarcely more than the work of a moment, and the Queen posted the
} details to alt.hackers that evening.)
} When, on the following evening, the Princess-to-be retired to the guest
} room, the Queen could scarcely contain her glee. She watched as the
} Princess-to-be entered the guest room and closed the door behind her.
} What the Queen didn't know was that a spell had been cast upon the
} Princess-to-be, causing her body temperature to be precisely 29 degrees
} Celsius. This meant that the Princess-to-be did not notice anything
} strange about the temperature of the waterbed. But, based upon a rumor
} that had been passed on to her by one of the friendlier paparazzi (who
} had begun following her around as well) she wished to look under the
} mattress in order to see whether there might be, perhaps, something
} resting there for her to find.
} Now, the spell that this young woman was under had some strange side
} effects. In fact, almost all of its effects were side effects. Besides
} affecting her temperature, the spell gave her unusually great strength,
} keen vision, an odor reminiscent of a wet groundhog, and (most
} importantly) an uncanny desire for men with prominent ears. Due to her
} unusually great strength, she was able to easily lift the water-filled
} mattress and inspect beneath it. There her keen vision found some old
} jelly beans, two popcorn kernels, and (due to a long-ago failed test of
} a former Princess-to-be) an exceptionally flat pea.
} "Darn it!" said the Princess-to-be, as she pocketed the jelly beans. "I
} was hoping to find some loose change." Despite her disappointment,
} though, she got a good night's sleep on the cool waterbed.
} In the morning, the Princess-to-be arose refreshed. Throwing on her
} silken dressing gown (for, as she liked to put it, she preferred "to
} sleep in the raw") she emerged from the guest room only to see awaiting
} her the Queen, the Prince, the entertainer formerly known as Prince,
} and the Prince's younger brother (who was something of a rambunctious
} lad, but that's another story). Thinking quickly, the Princess-to-be
} pulled the jelly beans from the pocket of the robe. "Would any of you
} like a jelly bean? I found these under the mattress," she offered.
} Immediately, the Queen realized that, despite the fact that she would
} become a chilly Princess, and would no doubt make the whole castle
} smell like a wet groundhog with time, she nevertheless would certainly
} keep the royal life lively.
} "You have my blessing," said the Queen.
} The wedding followed, and for many years Prince Woodchuck and his
} Princess lived within the castle. She bore him two sons, and although
} their marriage was not a happy one, the Prince was no longer bored.
} And, from time to time he renewed the spell he had once cast upon his
} Princess, for although he always found the Princess to be chilly, and
} he despised the smell of wet groundhog, he never dared let her lose her
} attraction for men with prominent ears.
} You owe the Oracle a spell to attract a princess to a science geek.


Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 11:26:19 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #687-07

Selected-By: Dr. Noe <>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> When will we be upgraded to 2.0?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} You mean you haven't been reading the trade papers?
} After God subcontracted the Millennial operating system to Microsoft,
} Bill Gates announced a new OS code named "Ubermensch" that would
} remedy the most glaring defects of Humanitas 1.0: mortality, the 7
} Deadly Bugs, inability to multitask or achieve simultaneous orgasm,
} and frequent General Protection Faults.
} Microsoft has been plagued by cost overruns, difficulties in making
} the new system backwardly compatible with the large installed base
} of Cro-Magnon and Paleolithic software still in use, and most
} importantly staff defection to the Great Enemy, the Antigates,
} Linus Torvalds, whose free Humix system is already running on several
} million hackers.  Most humiliating of all, billions of ordinary users
} are turning to IBM's new release of HumOS/2, which is said to be
} even capable of running the wildly popular shareware theology
} game "DAMN".
} Ubermensch has been re-named "Humanitas 3001", though Microsoft is
} not actually committing to a firm 3001 release date.


Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 11:26:21 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #687-08

Selected-By: Mark McCafferty <>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Will you ever,
> Oh great and wonderous
> Oracle,
> Decipher what I'm, so
> Callously, asking for,
> Here in this question
> Upon your receipt of this
> Crazy message, most
> Knowledgable Oracle?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} I, the Oracle
} Happily say to you,
} as a superior being,
} that knows all, and sees all,
} everything that there is to know.
} Things of the earth,
} heavenly things,
} even things from hell.
} Would you supplicants, who
} often annoy me with repetitive question,
} over and over,
} day in and day out,
} Changing nothing,
} hassling me,
} unrelenting,
} causing me stress,
} kill the questions about woodchucks!
} You owe the Oracle a wooden chuck wagon.


Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 11:26:23 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #687-09


The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Oh, most glorious and pious Oracle!  Praise be to you, who's existance
> so far excedes that of the puny mortals you see fit to assist!  Please,
> oh mighty one, hear my question!  Grace me with but a small fraction of
> your intellect.  I beg this of you, oh totally groovey one.
> Why do I wake up every morning with an erection and awful breath?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} First off, good grovel.  I appreciate someone who themself appreciates
} the art.
} Now, as to your questions....
} Oddly enough, the two are related.  You see, you're a sonambulist,
} which is a ten dollar word that means you walk in your sleep.  But you
} don't just walk.  Oh no.  You are, in fact, a Sleep-Walking Bon Vivant.
} You go to bed each night, brushing your teeth and sort of lonely
} because of the bitter existence you lead.  But as soon as you fall
} asleep, your subconsciousness kicks in and you become Mister DeMarque.
} Fully asleep, you get up and open the secret panel.  You put on the tux
} and expensive cufflinks.  You go out to the back alley where you keep
} the Porsche you negotiated after your unconscious mind made a killing
} on the stock market.  You climb in and drive to the hottest spots
} in the state, dancing half the night, romancing beautiful women, and
} enjoying adventures of erotic and romantic sorts the likes of which
} you've never dreamed.  Your mystique is enhanced by the expensive
} sunglasses you never take off, as taking them off would reveal to
} everyone that your eyes are always closed.
} At the end of the night, you eat oysters and caviar with your evening's
} conquest, pile into the porsche, and it's back to home.  However,
} Oysters (as it has been long reported) enhance sexual desire *and*
} leave you with a horrid case of clam breath.
} And then you wake up with bad breath and an erection, as well as
} stiff legs and a bunch of weird dreams you can't quite remember.
} You owe the Oracle five dollars plus expenses.


Date: Mon, 31 Oct 94 11:26:25 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #687-10

Selected-By: (Michael A. Atkinson)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> why,oh worshipful oracle,are nottingham forest not top of the league

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Dear, dear British supplicant, the answer lies in the strange history
} of that place.
} Nottingham Forest is famous, of course, as the home of Robin Hood, one
} of the least-understood historical figures
} Hood was an early expert in the medieval torture device "public
} relations" (from the latin "pube"--referring to the genitals--and the
} middle French "relayte"--to connect.  Literally, the term means to kick
} (ie. connect with) the groin).  Mr. Hood was able to turn a life of
} dastardly crimes into a romantic history of benvolence by threat of
} physical harm.
} Despite Hood's incredible control of pubelic sentiment, however, there
} is a little known physical law that states that all actions--physical
} or social--demand an equal and opposite reaction.  Nottingham Forest
} will not reach the top of the league because a kick in the groin, after
} all, is just not cricket.
} You owe the Oracle a big bat and a full-metal jockstrap.


End of Usenet Oracularities Digest #687

From: <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularities Digest #688

Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 08:42:37 -0500


Date: Thu, 03 Nov 94 07:44:21 -0500

From: "Steve Kinzler" <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularities Digest #688

To find out all about the Usenet Oracle, including how to participate,
send mail to with the word "help" in the subject

Let us know what you like!  Send your ratings of these 10 Oracularities
on an integer scale of 1 ("very poor") to 5 ("very good") with the
volume number to (probably just reply to this
message).  For example:
    2 1 3 4 3   5 3 3 4 1

683  92 votes  6imzb 5xAh1 avwh2 iyof1 6tCe5 3kxu6 aesqe 47amN adrnj 9ctrf
683  3.1 mean   3.3   2.7   2.7   2.4   2.8   3.2   3.2   4.1   3.3   3.3


Date: Thu, 03 Nov 94 07:44:30 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #688-01

Selected-By: (David Sewell)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Oh most magnificent oracle, whose face outshines the beauty of the
> Sistine Chapel, whose intelligence outshines that of Einstein, Hawking,
> Newton, and my mother all added up, whose hair management skills are
> such that you could even make William Shatner's toupee look good if you
> chose to, whose radio always plays 25 hits in a row, whose internet
> connection never goes down, please take pity on this humble supplicant,
> who never gets mentioned in the Oracularities, who never can get a
> date, and who can't get his mind off Barry Manilow's "Mandy", and
> answer this simple question:
> Why are George Orwell's "1984", Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World", and
> other books of that genre labeled "negative utopias"?  I mean, everyone
> seems to gosh darn happy in them, except for the occasional malcontent.
> What's so negative about that??
> Thank you for answering this simple query, oh magnificent oracle.

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Supplicant #Qa27074 is questioning authority!
} ----------------------
} Supplicant #Qa27074- the Oracle is all wise.  The Oracle is all
} knowing, and all seeing.  The Oracle is magnificent and mighty.
} Do not question what the Oracle tells you.
} Be content.
} The Oracle is watching.
} ----------------------
} You owe the Oracle autographs of John Lennon and Groucho Marx.


Date: Thu, 03 Nov 94 07:44:31 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #688-02

Selected-By: (David Sewell)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Oh wise and omnipotent Oracle,
> Is man the master of his own destiny, or is there a master plan?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Of course there's a plan! The kids are following it pretty well, too.
} I've got a wonderful class. Here's a copy of the instructions:
} BEFORE THE EXPERIMENT: Prepare a planet with a stable ecosystem and
} near-surface hydrocarbons and fissionables. This will the the substrate
} for the experiment.
} EXPERIMENT 1 (Effect of Environment on Individuals): Place a small
} quantity of monkeys (Grade H or I) on the substrate. Observe their
} reaction. How long do the monkeys survive? Try placing them at
} different distances from the equator. Place some in an ocean. Put a few
} on the pole. Which region is optimal? Does your finding agree with the
} data book value for Standard monkeys? Can you explain the difference,
} if any?
} EXPERIMENT 2 (Effect of Environment on Species): Place a small
} quantity of monkeys in a forest near the equator. What happens? (If
} nothing happens for a long time, add some Non-tree-climbing Carnivores
} as a catalyst.) Plot the average length of the monkeys' tails as a
} function of time. What can be observed? What causes the lengthening?
} EXPERIMENT 3 (Effect of Environment on Species): Put some monkeys on a
} savannah. In a short while, you should be able to see a change in the
} monkeys. Compare the hind and front legs of a changed monkey. Can the
} hind feet still grasp objects? What happens to the tail? What does the
} monkey do with its front legs now that they are not used for walking?
} Save some of these changed monkeys for the next experiment.
} bipedal monkeys you synthesized in the previous experiment. ZOT trees
} near monkey colonies. Do the monkeys start using fire? ZOT some
} mammoths. Did you induce primitive mysticism? Can you get the monkeys
} to worship you? (Hint: If they have developed speech, try picking one
} as a "prophet" and ZOT a few "unbelievers".)
} EXPERIMENT 5 (Effect of Species on Environment): Continue to observe
} the talking monkeys. You should see more complex tool use and the
} emergence of technology. Are the monkeys using the near-surface
} hydrocarbons you provided? How long will they last? What do you suppose
} the monkeys will do when they are running out? Can you observe any
} nuclear explosions? Do monkeys get killed by them? Are they accidental?
} After the experiment, dispose of the planet. Note that it may be
} radioactive. Wash the solar system and wipe the desk.
} VIDEO DEMONSTRATION (Effect of Individuals on Environment): After
} watching the video, describe the mechanism that causes a huge number of
} monkeys to follow a single leader, and speculate on their reasoning
} behind giving one single monkey the authority to launch thermonuclear
} devices to devastate their home planet.


Date: Thu, 03 Nov 94 07:44:33 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #688-03

Selected-By: Mark McCafferty <>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Tell me oh most magnificent oracle, who's field goal accuracy surpasses
> that of lots and lots of NFL kickers:
> Why does Lucy always pull the damn ball away from Charlie Brown??
> Humbly Submitted,
> A Supplicant

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

}     She is angry that, while so many in the NFL are making millions
} of dollars, she works for peanuts.


Date: Thu, 03 Nov 94 07:44:34 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #688-04

Selected-By: Ken McGlothlen <>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

>     Question I, Part I
>     Can you love more than one person at a time?
>                 Part II
>     Is love "subtractive?"
>     Question II
>     Aside from the insecurity issue... Why do spouses get upset when
>     they feel someone (other than themselves) may be cared about by
>     their spouse?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Wow, no grovelling and a question set up as an essay test, as though I
} were in class.  Am I supposed to show my work?  Provide the proofs?
} Harumph....
} But I can answer your question(s), and I shall.
} 1.1
} Yes, you can love more than one person at a time, but it requires
} either ingenuity or special attachments.  Check your local True Value
} hardware store.
} 1.2
} Love is not subtractive, but it is divisible and it must be expressed
} as an integer.  Love is actually a Prime number, divisable only by
} itself and one.  So, you have to determine what your specific number
} is.  You can always love one person -- any integer divided by one is
} itself (and also an integer) and therefore admittable.  It's the other
} number that can get sticky.
} The first three prime numbers are two, three and five (one is actually
} a prime, but not germane to the discussion).  If your personal love
} number is two, you can love two people fully and completely, without
} emotional distress or back pains.  But if you try to love three, the
} result is 0.66666667 -- not only *not* an integer but a repeating
} fraction.  The result is sleepless nights, forgotten anniverseries, and
} your spouse coming at you with an ice pick in the middle of the night.
} If your number is three, you can love one person at once or three
} people. No in between.  If you fall in love with a second person after
} your spouse, you'd better start trolling singles bars before you
} degenerate into insanity.
} Five is the same but worse.  It's hard to find that many open minded
} spice (the plural of spouse is spice).
} Just to give you some idea of the problems inherent with the system,
} twenty-three is a prime number.  Crappy, huh?
} 2.1
} A spouse gets upset when you start to care for someone else for two
} reasons.  On is insecurity, but you indicate that you know that.  The
} other is scheduling conflicts.
} You see, if your spouse has a rough day and needs an evening of
} cuddling, it can be rough to come home and discover you're already
} booked with your paramour to go to a movie.  Or your spouse may be
} feeling romantic, only to discover you spent twelve hours in a jacuzzi
} with your paramour, and your libido is currently so small it's
} theoretical.
} You owe the Oracle extra credit.


Date: Thu, 03 Nov 94 07:44:36 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #688-05

Selected-By: "Bill McMillan" <>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Wise and Wonderful Oracle.
> Oracle whose knowledge spans the entire Universe and then some.
> I am nothing more than a humble supplicant with an equally humble
> request and I would be most honored if you could spare even a small
> fraction of a picosecond to grant me a reply.
> Do you have any good beer recipes?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Yes, I've got a very good one right here.
} One can of your favorite beer (you may substitute a bottle beer
}       if you prefer)
} Ice
} A big mug
} 1. Put ice in mug.  Please complete right before you move to
} step two so that ice does not melt.
} 2. Open can.  If the can has been through a lot lately, you may
} want to tap the top of the can to prevent spillage.
} 3. Take sip.  Make sure beer is to your liking.
} 4. Pour beer into mug.  Make sure the foam does not spill over
} the top.
} 5. Give beer to Oracle.
} 6. Watch him drink.  Just try to enjoy the experience
} vicariously.
} You owe the Oracle a question which reads "Do you have any good
} Screwdriver recipes?"


Date: Thu, 03 Nov 94 07:44:37 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #688-06


The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> What question should I ask to get on a Snapple commercial?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Ask not what Snapple can do for you;
} But what you can do for Snapple.
} You see, Snapple is just one simple cog in a vast machine whose purpose
} it is to turn all of humanity into down-home folksey fruit juice
} sippin' simpletons who will bow to every whim of the Parent Company.
} It is still unclear who the Parent Company is at this stage of the
} game, but it is the intention of T.U.Oracle Inc. to find out, and by
} implementing a series of hostile takeover bids, to rob them of their
} power and regain control of the Universe.  We had hoped that we could
} count on Amway for some support in this but it seems that they are the
} ones who are currently in control of the Universe and they don't plan
} on sharing unless we buy a $120.00 startup kit.
} This is what we know so far:
}      Snapple, Jello, Motel 6 and Rent-A-Wreck, reporting directly
}      to Walmart, make up the front line of this attack.  It is their
}      job to soften the general populace, making them feel that it is
}      generally a good idea to sit around in a Motel room drinking
}      fruit flavored iced tea while watching brightly colored cubes
}      of geletin jiggle about.  The common mode of transportation of
}      course is a 1970's station wagon that is missing one or more of
}      its fenders and/or doors.  This will draw money away from the
}      main stream of the economy as people lose touch with their basic
}      materialistic instincts and funnel their excess cash up towards
}      the Parent Company.
}      Once softened, the victims will be further brainwashed into
}      thinking that all of humanity was created by a giant Chia Pet (The
}      one that looks like a cat - I still don't understand where they
}      are headed with the Chia Tree).
}      The people behind all this are the very same ones that are backing
}      Dan Qualye as President.  By this time it will be the general
}      understanding that Dan Quayle was the Love Child of the Chia Cat
}      and the Chia Dog (even though it is quite obvious that a Chia Dog
}      and a Chia Cat would have a different chromozome count, the
}      fruit juice sippin' geletin jigglin' General Public will miss
}      the connection.
} To counteract this horriffic chain of events, it is imperative that
} we return to the practice of buying over priced champagnes, cars
} that move way faster than freeway traffic, espresso machines and other
} Icons-O-Excess that have begun to fade since the closing of the "ME"
} decade.
} As for your desire to have a question read on a Snapple commercial,
} here's what you do:
}      Go to the nearest Walmart.
}      Find a "Greeter" (Not hard - they'll find you).
}      Tell the greeter that you'd like to make a $10,000 cash
}      contribution to the Dan Quayle For President Campaign.
}      The greeter will take the cash and assign you your very own
}      personalised question that will be read on your behalf on the
}      next available Snapple commercial.
} You owe the Oracle a Quayle For President sign and one of those big
} foam hats.


Date: Thu, 03 Nov 94 07:44:38 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #688-07

Selected-By: (Christophe)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Almighty, and EXTREMLY busy, Oracle - you've been overworking.
> You deserve a break today -
> Enclosed please find three gift certificates for a Big Mac, Fries and
> Shake.
> Sincerely, your friend and mine,
>                                               -- Bill Gates

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Dear Bill,
} It seems just like yesterday that we were sitting in your garage
} tossing back a few cold ones.  I remember saying, "Hey, Bill, all these
} newfangled computers they're coming up with are gonna need something to
} do." Now you're sitting on top of the biggest cash pile in history and
} I'm sitting in the middle of Indiana dealing with guys who haven't seen
} the sun in years and keep asking me where they can find the nude gifs
} of Marina Sirtis.  And now, you send me ten bucks worth of food.  Hell,
} not even food - I have to go get it myself.  You know what, Bill?  Try
} this on for size:  up yours.
} You owe me some ketchup and a nude gif of Patrick Stewart.


Date: Thu, 03 Nov 94 07:44:40 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #688-08

Selected-By: "Bill McMillan" <>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> If the answer was "Princess Diana, in the closet, with half a pound of
> strawberry jam and a six-pack of Budweiser", what was the question?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} I believe that the only question that would recieve that answer would
} be:
} What did you do this weekend?
} You owe the Oracle a bar of soap and some tylenol for his headache.


Date: Thu, 03 Nov 94 07:44:41 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #688-09

Selected-By: (Christophe)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Who is God?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Let's find out, shall we:
} oracle 717% finger
} Login name: god                       In real life: JHVH
} Directory: /everywhere                Shell: /usr/local/bin/bash
} On since Jan  1 00:00:00 on console
} Prayers last heard Wed Nov  2 13:07:19 1994
} Project: Man's existence on Earth until Armageddon
} Plan:
} 1) Reign Supreme over creation
} 2) Thwart Lucifer's plans to corrupt man, unless they'll produce better
}    television
} 3) Send weekly scattering of hurricanes, tsunamis, and other of my
}    Acts
} 4) Keep tabs on all falling sparrows
} 5) Talk to Dante about book IV of his "Inferno" trilogy
} 6) Make sure Jesus isn't late for Second Coming (that boy was nearly
}    late for his own resurrection!)
} 7) Smite Pat Robertson a good one
} 8) Expand size of universe to keep astronomers guessing


Date: Thu, 03 Nov 94 07:44:42 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #688-10

Selected-By: (David Sewell)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Oh, mighty oracle, what is the universe extending into since it is
> extending?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Oh, paltry supplicant, your assumption is false. The universe
} is not extending. It is merely that all things contained in
} the universe have decided that they want to leave.
} You owe the Oracle Carl Sagan's head on a platter.


End of Usenet Oracularities Digest #688

From: <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularities Digest #690

Date: Sun, 13 Nov 1994 18:33:09 -0500


Date: Sun, 13 Nov 94 16:59:14 -0500

From: "Steve Kinzler" <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularities Digest #690

To find out all about the Usenet Oracle, including how to participate,
send mail to with the word "help" in the subject

Let us know what you like!  Send your ratings of these 10 Oracularities
on an integer scale of 1 ("very poor") to 5 ("very good") with the
volume number to (probably just reply to this
message).  For example:
    2 1 3 4 3   5 3 3 4 1

685  86 votes  apug5 9jmhj 4huob 6jvl9 6gkue 7nwdb 7lrkb pJb50 8suf5 Ljd61
685  2.8 mean   2.8   3.2   3.2   3.1   3.3   3.0   3.1   2.0   2.8   1.8


Date: Sun, 13 Nov 94 16:59:20 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #690-01

Selected-By: "Bill McMillan" <>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> I am curled up with one leg under my butt and the other one stuck
> under my armpit.  My left arm has somehow been stuffed into St.
> Amagon's mouth, and he has very long teeth.  I am suspended upside
> down in a net over a pool of boiling alligators.  A dentist has poked
> her drill into my left molars and is probably writing her initials
> there.  I am being force-fed abalone sushi and it is socially
> unacceptable to say that it is rather like chewing on my own cheek,
> except more highly spiced.  I have been stuck on skiis and I am
> currently hurtling toward a precipice at something over 800 miles a
> second.  I am listening to three operas simultaneously, and I can't
> understand a single word, and it is socially unacceptable to say
> anything bad about it at all.  Seven carnivorous howling butterflies
> have started to devour my left ear.  Fifteen rabid scientific
> elephants have decided that my other ear is a suitable repository for
> explosive and corrosive vapors, and who the heck is going to say "no"
> to fifteen rabid scientific elephants?  A Space Pirate has pointed her
> ray gun at me and I am being forced to walk the star-plank, which is
> no mean feat when I'm curled up with one leg under my but and the
> other one stuck under my armpit.  How can I get out of this fix?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Ah, oh supplicant, since you are in such dire straits I shall overlook
} the lack of manners you have shown by neglecting to grovel properly and
} save your worthless hide.
}   First: Screw social niceties and say what you think. It'll do a lot
} for your morale. Next, Ask St. Amagon the woodchuck question. It'll
} annoy him into a roar of rage and frustration, enabling you to get back
} the use of


Date: Sun, 13 Nov 94 16:59:21 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #690-02

Selected-By: "Carole S. Fungaroli" <>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

>   Hey Oracle,
>  What exactly is a voodoo lounge, anyway?
>  Do those witch-doctor types hang out there, after a long day of
> taking souls and placing curses?
>  Is Keith Richards really a voodoo priest?
>  Just wondering.

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} There's quite a story behind the Stones' last album.  Remember the
} Disney film that came out a while back, "Cool Runnings", about the
} Jamaican bobsled team?  It was actually a heavily reworked version of a
} script that had originally been sent to Touchstone, about Haitian
} zombies who go to Norway to compete in another winter downhill sport.
} "Voodoo Luge" would star Danny Glover and Ellen Cleghorne, with an
} original soundtrack by the Rolling Stones.
} Most of the songs on the album you know originally had lyrics relevant
} to the film.  "Sparks Will Fly" was about a two-zombie run where the
} luge flipped off the track and ran into the press box.  "Blinded by
} Rainbows" was about a young zombie who misses a turn because he's awed
} by the beauty of the daytime sky, which he hasn't seen since he was
} undead.  "The Worst" was a blues song about the team coming in at last
} place behind Botswana.  The only retitled track, of course, was "Luge
} is Strong".
} Eventually Touchstone backed out of the film after major pressure from
} the big bosses at Disney, who thought the premise was tasteless and
} sent it to the script doctors to rework into a kids' film.  The
} frantic Stones altered their album's name to the meaningless "Voodoo
} Lounge" and rewrote most of the tracks. The only vestige of the
} original project was the lycra-and-polypropylene luger's suit that
} Charlie Watts could be seen wearing during the first few stops on
} the Voodoo Lounge tour, before it caused him to break out in hives.
} You owe the Oracle a Sno-Cone.


Date: Sun, 13 Nov 94 16:59:22 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #690-03

Selected-By: "Alyce Wilson" <AMW108@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Selamat pagi tuan Oracle besar.
> Apa kabar?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Ahhhhh, yes.
} Thank-you for the most flattering Selamat, my most chumber manklewig.
} I think your besar is ziplier than a farklepop on toastun.
} Anyway, your queznel chamrod is most boinglery. I've kept a mugglewump
} stir-fried in the bobler. Take a chaffledup any time you want, and your
} pagi-tuan should clear up after a few slapslicks on the old liplegger.
} If not, consult your local dogslur.


Date: Sun, 13 Nov 94 16:59:23 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #690-04

Selected-By: "Alyce Wilson" <AMW108@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Oh gracious oracle who lights the sky with your brilliance, please
> answer this question from a grovelling supplicant.
> Why can I not see electricity?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Oh knave, if you wish to see electricity, stick a fork into an
} electrical outlet. The oracle will guarantee that you will see
} electricity.


Date: Sun, 13 Nov 94 16:59:25 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #690-05

Selected-By: "Alyce Wilson" <AMW108@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> What is the meaning of life?
> Thank you!

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Excerpts from, "The Meaning of Life" by T.U. Oracle:
} ------------------------------------------------------------------------
} The ultimate meaning of life is to attain Oracle-hood.  Ways to get
} there include:
} 1. Imparting your vast knowledge upon lesser beings.  Often acheived by
}       beating them over the head with your stack of dictionaries.
} 2. Gaining a vast knowledge from your superiors.  Often attempted by
}       going to a post-secondary institution.  Being beaten over the
}       head with a dictionary usually has the same results for lower
}       cost.
} 3. Discovering weird things about the opposite sex.  (This is optional
}       because no one has done that yet.)
} 4. Explaining weird things about the opposite sex.  (Even more rare
}       than #3.)
} 5. Taking a shotgun and shooting every woodchuck in the country.  This
}       will be used to releive stress that you will accumulate once you
}       have attained Oracle-hood.
} ...
} 14. Volunteering as an Oracle's priest.  It always helps to learn the
}       trade by basking in another Oracle's presense.
} 15. Finding new and innovative ways to kill woodchucks.  No, placing
}       them in the same room as lemurs has already been used.  And
}       natural enemies don't seem to work either.
} 16. Code for food.  'nuff said.
} ...
} 28. Find yourself a hot girlfriend.  Make sure she's kinky in bed.  In
}       some cases, a luke-warm girlfriend will suffice, if all the hot
}       ones have been taken.  Wisdom of the ages will follow.
} 29. Develop a nuclear weapon that only kills woodchucks.
} 30. Write a one thousand page essay on the humour, or lack thereof, in
}  And make the essay FUNNY.
} ...
} 41. Develop a program, written half in assembler, half in ForTran, that
}       will destroy all supplicants' questions about woodchucks AS IT IS
}       BEING TYPED.
} 42. And lastly, the ability to entirely misunderstand any supplicant's
}       question and respond with something entirely unrelated but mostly
}       humurous helps.
} ------------------------------------------------------------------------
} You owe the Oracle the name of a blind publisher.


Date: Sun, 13 Nov 94 16:59:26 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #690-06

Selected-By: (William T. Petrosky)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Oh most munificent Oracle, with unsurpassed intelligence (surpassed
> only by  Dan Quayle) and incredible speed of wit (surpassed only by
> Richard Nixon, and he's dead).  Please answer this question which I
> pose for you (it's alright, I know you're slow, so I already figured
> out the answer).
> Does Kirk die in "Star Trek: Generations" coming out on Stardate 18 11
> 94, or this just some nasty rumor started by the Romulans?  (or the
> Klingons, he never could forgive them for the death of his son)

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Oh but you've got a *ZOT* coming.  Lucky I'm in a good mood.  I
} distinctly told Dan NOT to mention Murphy Brown.  Did he listen?!
} Anyawy, you simply misheard the rumor, which is true.  Kirk does
} not "die" but he does "dye."  You'll notice his hair is
} mysteriously darker than in the previous movie.  Yes, he also has
} the film airbrushed again to shrink his... cargo hold.
} You owe the Oracle a VERY good grovel, you owe William Shatner a
} bottle of "Just For Men", and you owe Dan Quayle a spell chekkir.


Date: Sun, 13 Nov 94 16:59:27 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #690-07

Selected-By: Jonathan "Dr. Who" Monsarrat <>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> This won't take long.  You won't feel a thing...

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Probably something your girlfriend is used to hearing.
} You owe the Oracle a woodchuck question. I've only had 42 of them
} today.


Date: Sun, 13 Nov 94 16:59:28 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #690-08

Selected-By: Ken McGlothlen <>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Dear Oracle:
> By way of introduction, I am a professor of physics at Stanford
> University. During my vacation in Hawaii, I decided to take a 3-hour
> whale-watching tour. A sudden squall appeared, blowing us rather
> severely off course, and we have found ourselves stranded on an
> uncharted island.
> I have six companions in this crisis: the brave but ineffectual ship's
> captain, his bumbling mate, a campy harlot who claims to star in 'cult'
> films, a naive midwestern farmgirl, an arrogant snob who made a fortune
> in oil, and his self-absorbed wife.
> While poking around the island's lagoon, I found a transmission line
> with an Ethernet transciever on the end.  Using coconut silk and some
> fire coral, I was able to fashion a primitive PowerBook.  The mail
> utility works fine, although I seem to be unable to get Mosaic running.
> What should I do now?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Whatever you do, don't e-mail for help.  There's a fortune to be
} made!  Create a video of your adventures, and divide the resulting
} binary into 64K chunks;  we'll recombine them until you get Mosaic.
} When the show is over, you can switch to regional theater and shopping
} center appearances.
} Since you owe the Oracle:  please pass my regards on to Maynard G.
} Krebs.


Date: Sun, 13 Nov 94 16:59:30 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #690-09

Selected-By: Dave Disser <>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Last year, Science Olympiad was held in Arizona, which lacks daylight
> savings time.  This year, it will be held in your state of Indiana,
> which is similarly lacking.  What do _they_ have against daylight
> savings time?  I don't see anything subversive about it.  Uh-oh,
> _they_'re after me again--gotta go!

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Daylight savings, supplicant, is not the stuff of science.  It is
} strictly for the esoteric intellectual poets.  Any good physicist knows
} you can't 'save' disobeys the principal of 'conservation
} of mass'. The entire concept of daylight savings time is like trying to
} make yourself taller by cutting off your head and standing on it.
} I often find these zen philosophers have a far different concept of
} light than we more rigourous thinkers.  I once asked my friend Immanuel
} Kant if he wanted to go out for pizza with me.  He responded 'No,
} Thanks, I'm eating light.'  Wow, heavy.  I don't get it.  Must be one
} of those things like 'what's the color of a sigh'.
} You owe the Oracle a changed light bulb.  You may request the
} assistance of as many people like you as required.


Date: Sun, 13 Nov 94 16:59:31 -0500

From: Usenet Oracle <>

Subject: Usenet Oracularity #690-10

Selected-By: (Scott Forbes)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
Your question was:

> Please tell me
>                 O great being whose blemishes I am not worthy to
> irritate, whose odours I am not enough to be repulse by, whose verbal
> aftermath of spittle I am unfit to dodge..............
> What's the point of anything?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} The sharp bit at the end.
} You owe the Usenet Oracle a picture of a porpoise.


End of Usenet Oracularities Digest #690

Jesper Nilsson // or