Hi everybody. And welcome to the wonderful Home page of Christoffer
This isn't much right now but it will improve when i feel like
Here comes the usual stuff about me. I'm an old student of Informatics
at LUND university
I work as a Consultant for AU-Sytem.
And used to work as a chef for SSK
If you want to hire me this is my CV
only in swedish).
One of my favorite things to fool around with in "the line of duty"
is Neural nets.
More correctly termed "Artificial neural networks". It is a new way
of handling Recognition problems.
Instead of trying to figure out all possible inputs, you give a network
a number of examples ,and their solutions.
Then the network learns itself. Sounds like magic, It is :) Read
more about it in the comp.ai.neural
net FAQ
Anyone who slaps a "this page is best viewed with Browser X" label on
a Web page appears to be yearning
for the bad old days, before the Web, when
you had very little chance of reading a document written on
another computer, another word processor,
or another network.
-- Tim Berners-Lee, Technology Review, July
and another about the internet.
"The Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it."
John Gilmore