"Malte, mansnamn av danskt ursprung och med oklar härledning", Nationalencyclopedin
You are visitor number since the 4th of May 1997. "Nu har svenska folket sagt sitt. Nu ska Sverige regeras.", statsminister Göran Persson under valnatten 1998 Criticism of the System of Political Competition Participatory Trends in European Local Democracies Federalism och integration i en direktdemokrati - B-level essay "Wir sind das Volk" - Direct Democratic Trends in the New Germany - C-level essay Resumé of Pateman: "Participation and Democratic Theory" Classic theories of political integration The "spill-over" mechanism in neofunctionalism How to draw political borders - the Juranese method The right size of political territories My view on what is a (native) "minority" The Swiss constitution - in one document Initiative and Referendum Institute Europe IR & R, the very foundation of modern democracy Teledemocracy Action News + Network (TAN+N) MDD - the Movement for Direct Democracy DemokratiTorget - demokratiutredningens mötesplats Att rösta med händerna - i demokratiutredningens serie Miljöpartiets 'Grönt blad om folkomröstningar' och Miljöpartiets Demokrati, steg 2 - partiet vill införa nationellt folkinitiativ och obligatoriskt konstitutionellt referendum Nätverket För Folkomröstningsgrupperna (NFF) - fighting for a real communal popular initiative in Sweden JR's debatsider - om direkte demokrati Foreningen for Direkte Demokrati The best political book ever written? "Du contrat social" by Rousseau Basebekjs lajje Skåneland/Scania - my region Other Cultural regions of Sweden Regionalism in Europe Folkkloric regionalism in Brabant - a renewal by newcomers! Limburgian virtually recognised - first dialect in Europe gets recognised! Regional contruction diversity in Netherland gets government support The sick world of national states - Écrasez l'infâme! 15 live web cameras locatedaround the Europe I love so much Bjarne Riis! Bjarne Riis!! Official Tour de France website La fiesta de San Fermín! Personal information, current address and Internet info Strasbourg 1995-96! De Gaulle en Lorraine - it kind of sticks The linguistic Morris Swadesh list Lagerbrings väg - lite om dess historia Småland - the origin of half of my family - inte mycket, så långt Paintings of my grand father My family tree Att byta namn - så gör du My first relative with his own homepage. Brave man. My dear brother in Provence was the second My aunt became the third! Learn with BOOK This is netnews! Or maybe this Sometimes I take on the intellectual stimulance of talk.politics.european-union... Comments? Then press here.
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